Dance Info Finland
Tervetuloa Tanka
- suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan
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In period of time
Raekallio, Valtteri
Where does the light go? (2013)
Reddress (2013)
Representative (30.10.2014)
Rehearsal on Love - a piece for two dancers (2015)
Short Stories from Forgotten Rooms (2015)
Esitys - A Performance (2016)
Neuromaani (2016)
Frigid (2017)
Cupola (2018)
Oneiron (2018)
Audience (2018)
Recollections (2019)
Recollections (Raekallio) (2019)
Frame (2021)
Uranium Lamp (2021)
School of Life (2022)
Work as a dancer
Crawl the Butterfly Back (2000)
Implied Implosion (2000)
Babolat (2001)
Hobitti (2001)
Plain (2001)
Three Parts, of Which Two for Flute (2002)
Small Things in Silence (2002)
The Green Armchair (2002)
Wrong Key... (2003)
A Piece for a Small Stage (2004)
Leap (Kitti) (2005)
Lucid Dreaming (2005)
Raw Dog (2005)
Apospasmata (2006)
Du-dun-duu (2006)
Act of unknown (2007)
Kajo (Rankanen) (2007)
Something Spooked the Horses (2007)
Urges (2007)
Kaiku, nuoli ja ketju (2008)
No-No (2008)
Softandhard (2008)
Hardcore humppa (2009)
Drawing Tiger Like a Dog (2009)
Destruction Song II (20.11.2010)
XPSD (2010)
Play (Kvarnström) (24.11.2011)
YOUMAKEME (5.3.2011)
100 Ways to Laugh (2012)
Where does the light go? (2013)
Reddress (2013)
Representative (30.10.2014)
Non-Linear - Dancemass (14.3.2014)
Non Linear - JÄTKÄSAARI (2015)
Short Stories from Forgotten Rooms (2015)
Esitys - A Performance (2016)
Mamba Samba (2016)
Frigid (2017)
Cupola (2018)
Oneiron (2018)
Audience (2018)
Recollections (2019)
Recollections (Raekallio) (2019)
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