Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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School of Life

Choreographer Raekallio, Valtteri
First Performance 15.2.2022
Place of First Performance Kaisaniemi elementary school, Helsinki
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 60
Scenography Aku Meriläinen
Lighting Designer Lauri Lundahl
Sound designer Aki Päivärinne
Performers of the premiere Mirva Mäkinen, Eero Vesterinen
Description "School of Life (Fin. Elämän koulu) performance is a multidisciplinary work based on Antti Rönkä's novel Legs in the Air (Fin. Jalat ilmassa), published in 2019. The performance and the novel deal with school bullying and its traces, which the bullied person carries well into adulthood.

The immersive performance, located somewhere between contemporary dance and theater performance, concert and audio drama, features professional dancers and high school students of expressive arts and Igor Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring 1st part played by two young pianists. With the performance at Kaisaniemi elementary school, the school building turns into a multi-layered labyrinth of memories and the present, childhood and adulthood, reality and representation. The dynamics of the group, individual and bullying unfold from the perspectives of the victim as well as the bully, participant and bystander. The performance makes visible the traces and memories that those experiences leave on our minds and bodies, offering the opportunity to meet and process them together."
Other Information Other performers: Ukko Bergman, Ada Hagelin, Jade Hellstén, Erika Kemppainen, Marla van Kessel, Eino Lehtinen, Armi Mastomäki, Liisa Sipilä, Mailis Toivanen, Aada Uusitalo, Rasmus Haavisto, Sofia Mokkila, Frida Stenvall, Anniina Suhonen
Companies Raekallio Corp.
Dancers Mäkinen, Mirva (2022)
Vesterinen, Eero (2022)