Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Kekoni, Petri
First Performance 1.10.2015
Place of First Performance Makasiini L3, West Harbour, Helsinki, Finland
Finnish premiere 1.10.2015
Place of Premiere Makasiini L3, West Harbour, Helsinki, Finland
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 120
Scenography Petri Kekoni
Costume designer Monika Hartl
Lighting Designer Matti Jykylä
Sound designer Antti Nykyri
Performers of the premiere Meeri Altmets, Riina Huhtanen, Tanja Illukka, Andrius Katinas, Tuomas Mikkola, Valtteri Raekallio, Esete Sutinen, Jukka Tarvainen, Ulla Väätäinen
Music composed for the work Antti Nykyri
Description Non Linear is a long-term site specific project, where original concept will be modified according to the new space and environment. First part performed in march 2014 in
Suvilahti Kattilahalli, now 2. part will have premiere 1.10. in Jätkäsaari Harbour area.

The structure of the work is based on the spatial coexistence and temporal layering of five performance stages. The work is active for approximately 2 hours, during
which time the audience is free to stroll in or out. The viewing direction of the stages is not predefined. Instead, the choreography is designed so that events can be observed
from multiple angles. I feel that it is not necessary to guide the audience to a certain order in viewing the various stages. However, the starting and ending sequence is
designed according to its own logic; it is as if an invisible thread connected the stages; they need each other, communicating through the space.

An important part of the piece is the choice of the viewer – and hence the individuality of each viewing. I want to encourage the spectator to take the decision into their own
hands, as they may need to choose between two or more sections of the piece. Should I follow this development, or move on to the next? Let your intuition guide you! Thanks to
the repeating structures of the work, an interrupted theme may resurface from another direction, in an altered form. Besides, life is always about choices. You can't have
Companies Petri Kekoni Company
Dancers Lempiäinen, Meeri (2015)
Huhtanen, Riina (2015)
Illukka, Tanja (2015)
Katinas, Andrius (2015)
Mikkola, Tuomas (2015)
Raekallio, Valtteri (2015)
Sutinen, Esete (2015)
Tarvainen, Jukka (2015)
Väätäinen, Ulla (2015)