Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Drawing Tiger Like a Dog

Choreographer Kapetanea, Linda
Frucek, Jozef
First Performance 21.11.2009
Place of First Performance Helsinki City Theatre, Helsinki, Finland
Finnish premiere 21.11.2009
Place of Premiere Helsinki City Theatre, Helsinki
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 90
Scenography Elina Kolehmainen
Costume designer Elina Kolehmainen
Lighting Designer Jukka Huitila
Other music Musiikki/music: Vassilis Mantzoukis

Description Based on a Chinese proverb, Drawing Tiger Like a Dog reveals how difficult it is to see things as they really are. The choreographers paint a violent, tragicomic and dark yet beautiful portrait of what we are like and how we treat each other.

Companies Helsinki Dance Company
Dancers Lampinen, Mikko (2009)
Lehto, Jenni-Elina (2009)
Marja-aho, Janne (2009)
Naakka, Heidi (2009)
Raekallio, Valtteri (2009)
Tiitinen, Inka (2009)