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Karttunen, Jyrki
Date of birth | 13.6.1969 |
Profession |
Dancer Choreographer |
Country | Finland |
jyrki(at) | |
Training | Ballet School of Kuopio City Theatre 1984, Kuopio Senior High School of Music and Dance, dance curriculum 1985-1988; dance school Tanssivintti, free-placer 1988-1989; daily dance lessons with the Helsinki City Theatre Dance Company 1989-1993, dance lessons with Finnish National Ballet since 1993, dance lessons of the Union of Finnish Dance Artists since 1993. |
Engagements |
Helsinki Dance Company: dancer (1989 - 1993) Nomadi Productions: choreographer (1996 - 2007) Karttunen Kollektiv: artistic director (2008 - ) Helsinki Dance Company: Artistic director (2013 - 2014) |
Choreographed |
Digital Duende (1998) Mr & Mrs Betlehem (16.2.2000) Very Important Persons (15.3.2000) Under (8.11.2001) Meryl (21.11.2001) Fairy (19.6.2002) English Suite (2003) Ilman kuuta ja aurinkoa (24.2.2004) Yellow Happiness (24.2.2004) Human Imitations (30.11.2005) Dramatic miniatures (I version) (2005) Dramatic miniatures (II version) (18.6.2005) Minor Starring Roles (15.11.2006) My Imaginary Friend is With Me (27.10.2007) A little bit of glamour for set changes (3.12.2008) Moves (in order of appearance) (3.12.2008) Retrospective installation for a dancer in Digital duende (3.12.2008) Saeta (7.10.2008) Situation Room (11.4.2008) Days of Disco (23.10.2009) Bad Body Doubles (27.11.2010) 100 Ways to Laugh (2012) Jemina - Act as you'd know her (2012) Tunteet, tunteet (2013) Fairy Councilor Koo (9.10.2014) Aikuisten joulukalenteri (2017) Jemina – The Great American Show (2017) Valse Triste (Karttunen) (2017) Huonosti vartioitu tyttö (Jyrki Karttunen) (2018) Viskningar och rop / Huutoja ja kuiskauksia (2018) |
Work as a dancer |
Ballet Pathétique (1989) Poks hit (1989) Kalevala (Uotinen) (1990) The Sleeping Beauty (Uotinen): Prince 2, Courtiers (1990) 1991 (1991) Kilimanjaro: The African (1991) Kuukylpyjä (1991) Runar: Runar (1991) Viimeinen sähke: Pianist (1991) Who Took August (1992) September (1992) Proposal for a Duet for Two Men (1993) Polkka Mollissa (1993) Täyttä totta (1993) Girl and a Dancing Bear (Kuusela): Kimri, son of the Clowns (1993) Songs of the blissfull (1994) Moondrunk (1994) (1994) I am my body (1994) Petrushka (Uotinen) (1994) Elementos (1995) The Invisible man (1995) 10.000 Creatures (1996) Give me happiness (1996) Kuka Tahansa Heti Nyt (1996) Missä Jallu luuraa (1996) Reconciliation (1996) Comfort sought by a restless soul (1997) Lead red (1997) Walkman (1997) Walkman pasodoble (1997) Digital Duende (1998) Jousikvartetto no. 3 (1998) Comments (1998) Azul (1999) Katajainen (1999) Via Crucis (1999) Dipolos (2000) Headbreak (2000) KJp (2000) Little Stars (2000) Mr & Mrs Betlehem (2000) Very Important Persons (2000) Under (2001) Meryl (2001) Fairy (2002) Halfway to Reykjavik (2003) Yhteentörmäys=CLASH (2003) Yellow Happiness (2004) Human Imitations (2005) Dramatic miniatures (II version) (2005) The North Door (Hay/Karttunen) (2005) Kaira (2006) My Imaginary Friend is With Me (2007) The Long Stride and Talk on Dance (2007) Situation Room (2008) Days of Disco (2009) Lightening (20.8.2010) Bad Body Doubles (2011) Jemina - Act as you'd know her (2012) Fairy Councilor Koo (9.10.2014) The Greatest Dance Hits (5.12.2014) Aikuisten joulukalenteri (2017) Jemina – The Great American Show (2017) Huonosti vartioitu tyttö (Jyrki Karttunen) (2018) Viskningar och rop / Huutoja ja kuiskauksia (2018) Swamp, guacamole and Jussi (2019) Bergman-Cries and whispers (2021) Void - A Psychodrama (2021) |
Other artistic work |
Work as a teacher: workshops on choreography and dancer's work in connection with international perfromances and e.g. in the Theatre Academy of Finland. Work as an assistant choreographer: Favorite songs, chor. Virve Sutinen, Helsinki Festival 1995; Quien soy yo en el tiempo, chor. Alpo Aaltokoski 1995; Comments, chor. Arja Raatikainen, Nomadi-production 1998 (production assistant). Oscar and the Lady in Pink (Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt), dir. Eija-Elina Bergholm, Helsinki City Theatre 2005. Work as a dancer in theater: Viidakkopoika, dir. Kaija Viinikainen, Kuopio City Theater 1986-1988; Sakuntala (Kamadeva), dir./chor. Maya Tångelberg-Grischin, Kuopio City Theater 1986-88; Piaf Piaf, chor. Jorma Uotinen, Helsinki City Theater 1989; My Fair Lady, chor. Marjo Kuusela, Helsinki City Theater 1989; Rose (Tulsa) dir./chor. Markku Nenonen, Helsinki City Theater 1990; Oscar and the Lady in Pink (Oscar, as a videoprojection), dir. Eija-Elina Bergholm, chor. Jyrki Karttunen, Helsinki City Theatre 2005. Performer in tv programmes, films and multimedia: Elokuu - Who Took August (dancers), chor. Carolyn Carlson, dir. Tor-Björn Ehrnvall, Sverges TV1 / Drama 1993; Carolyn Carlson Helsingin Kaupunginteatterissa (dancer) dir. Joe Davidow,YLE TV1/fiktio 1993; Kantapään kautta - tanssivan miehen tie (dancer), dir. Raisa Rauhamaa, YLE TV1 / opetusohjelmat 1994; Helmiä ja Sikoja (statist), ohj. Perttu Leppä, Talent House 2003; E-Motions in Man - an interactive DVD (choreographer, dancer), dir. Kati Åberg, production Kati Åberg, Medialab/University of Art and Design Helsinki 2004; Lumottu Lapsi (dancer), dir. Marikki Hakola, production Kroma Productions Oy 2004. |
Grants and awards |
Grants: six-month state grant to artists 1994, Arts Council of Uusimaa 1994, Finnish Cultural Foundation 1994, 1998, 2000; Central Arts Council 1996, National Council for Dance 1997, 1999, 2001; three-year state grant to artists 1997, 2000; Alfred Kordelin Foundation 2000; five-year state grant to artists 2004, 2009. Awards: State Prize for Merits in Dance 1993 (as a member of the Helsinki City Theatre Dance Company), 1999 (as a member of the Nomadi Production); Pro Dance Award 1994; 1st prize in the Finnish platform of Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis 2000, Cable Award 2001. |
Literature and articles |
Articles: Hannele Jyrkkä. "Jyrki Karttunen kaipaa riemullista rikkioloa". TANSSI. 1/2000. Donlad Hutera. "Strong Dancer. Jyrki Karttunen." ballettanz. November 2002. Piia Ahonen. "Sculpting an inner vision. Jyrki Karttunen speaks about his art." Finnish Dance in Focus 2003. Own articles: "Aiheita julkiseen keskusteluun kritiikistä". TANSSI. 2/1995. "Taiteesta kirjoittamisen vaikeus". TANSSI. 4/1995. "Vuoden parhaat". TANSSI. 4/1996. "Tanssin vuosi". TANSSI 1/1997. "Tanssin juhlaa? Gaalasta gaalaan". STTL:n jäsenlehti. 1/1998. ”World Vision is Built by Playing”. Finnish Dance in Focus. 2000. "Noin seitsemän ihmettä". Pyhäsalmen ihme. Täydenkuun Tanssit -festivaali 1992-2001. Ed. Hannele Jyrkkä. Gummerus kirjapaino Oy 2001. "Tanssin tekemisen ainutkertainen onni". Tanssintekijät - 35 näkökulmaa koreografin työhön. Ed. Hannele Jyrkkä. Like Kustannus 2005. Donald Hutera: "Donald Hutera touches base with Jyrki Karttunen". Dance Europe. December 2005. |
Videography and TV recordings | E-Motions in Man - an interactive DVD (choreographer, dancer), dir. Kati Åberg, production Kati Åberg, Medialab/University of Art and Design Helsinki 2004. |
Other Information |
Artist in residence at Stoa the Cultural Centre of Eastern Helsinki 2008 - 2010. International platforms and competitions: finalist in Concour International de Danse de Paris 1992; was selected with his choreography Digital Duende to Aerowaves 2000 -platform, held in The Place theater, London; was selected to participate in the International Coaching Project for Choreographers 2001 (SiWic, artist leader of course: Nils Christe). WWW-design and realisation: Nomadi Production 1996-2001, Full Moon Dance Festival 1997, 1998, 1999; Finnish Dance Information Centre & TANSSI-magazine 1997-1998; PhysArtTheatre 1997-1998, The Union of Finnish Dance Artists 1998-2000; Pohjois-Karjala Dance Institute 1998-2000; JoJo-Oulu Dance Center 1999-2000, Helsinki City Theatre Dance Company 1999-2000. Positions of trust: Member of the board of The Union of Finnish Dance Artists 1997-1999, secretary of Helsinki City Theater Dance Company's board 1990-1993, member of TANSSI-magazine's editorial council 1996 - 1997, member of the artist commission of Dance in November Festival 1997-1999, founding member of Nomadi Productions and member of the board 1996 - 2007 (chairman of the board 2005 - 2006). |
Articles |
Sculpting an inner vision - Jyrki Karttunen speaks about his art Sisäistä visiota veistämässä - Jyrki Karttunen puhuu taiteestaan |