Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Glims & Gloms Dance Company

Contact person Artistic Director Tuomo Railo, Artistic Director Simo Heiskanen, Producer Riitta Aittokallio
Address Nuojalantie 9, FI-02630 Espoo
Telephone + 358 (0)50 742 3828, +358 (0)40 570 1129, +358 (0)50 354 5936
WWW pages http://www.glimsgloms.com
Email tuomo.railo@glimsgloms.com, simo.heiskanen@glimsgloms.com, riitta.aittokallio@glimsgloms.com
Year founded 1999
Funding Freelance dance company
Style Contemporary Dance
Artistic staff (number of) 2
Technical staff (number of) 1
Production based ensemble Yes
Description Glims & Gloms is an award-winning dance theatre company, founded by Tuomo Railo and Simo Heiskanen. The company is located in Espoo. The theatre directs its performances to a wide public – children, youth and adults. The theatre's performances combine many elements of the performing arts: dance, theatre, music, visual arts, video and different applications of theatrical techniques. The theatre tours in Finland and makes occasional visits abroad. G&G received the Finnish State Prize in 2009 for merits in dance. The two artistic directors were granted the Dance Act of the Year award at the Kuopio Dance Festival in 2002 and they also received the Espoo Award for a Cultural Achievement in 2001.
Engagements Heiskanen, Simo: dancer, choreographer (1999 - )
Railo, Tuomo: dancer, choreographer (1999 - )
Performances Java - Confusing People (10.11.1999)
A Cherry Tree (1.9.2000)
Log (1.9.2000)
The Pig Ballet (29.8.2001)
Macchiato (26.9.2002)
Nectar (3.9.2003)
Näkki (Railo) (19.6.2004)
The Extended Family (31.8.2006)
Simon siivoomo (7.10.2006)
Lunta pakaroilla (3.9.2008)
Riittoisa kuu (3.9.2008)
Pessi ja Illusia (Railo) (14.8.2009)
A Man Without a Shade in His Soul (28.11.2009)
Helinä (19.8.2010)
Sore Point (27.7.2011)
Viktor, his Rooster Max and the Mystery of the Music Box (30.8.2012)
Quartet for the End of Time (Railo) (20.9.2013)
Nom de Plume (6.2.2014)
Omnipotens (31.3.2016)
Totentanz (Railo) (17.2.2018)
Kunnioitus / Respect (15.10.2019)