Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Pirjo Yli Maunula kuvaaja Janne Pekka Manninen2 Photo: Janne-Pekka Manninen

Yli-Maunula, Pirjo

Date of birth 20.1.1959
Profession Dancer
Country Finland
Email pirjo(at)flowprod.fi
Training Ballet School Kalevi Merikallio 1975-1977 (ballet, jazz dance),
Ballet School Leena Ortola 1976-1983 (ballet, jazz dance);
Oulu Ballet School 1981 - 1985 (teachers Seppo Koski, Heli Hentilä, Maria Littow).

further education course for dance pedagogues, Theatre Academy of Finland, Continuing Education Centre 1986; s
everal courses in Finland (e.g. The Union of Finnish Dance Artists, Kuopio Dance Festival, Oulu Dance Studio) and abroad (Yugoslavia, France, England, Sweden, USA; Netherlands, Belgium), 1978-1997.
Engagements Oulun Tanssistudion Ryhmä: dancer, choreographer, director, dance pedagogue (1982 - 1998)
Flow Productions: Artistic Director (2006 - )
Choreographed Nada
Rakkaudesta tanssiin
Ritual (Tuovinen, Yli-Maunula) (22.5.1983)
Uni (Yli-Maunula) (6.12.1986)
Henkilökohtaista (Yli-Maunula) (14.5.1989)
Harmaa kerros (19.2.1990)
Muutoksia (3.2.1990)
Henkilökohtaista 3 (14.4.1994)
Glamouria - Unelmia Onnesta (12.10.1996)
Only You (12.3.1996)
Peikkosatu (30.11.1996)
Kauhu kabaree (11.10.1997)
Keinu Kanssain (19.4.1997)
Carpe Diem (25.5.2001)
Carpe Diem 2 (12.9.2001)
Self Portrait (Yli-Maunula) (14.4.2005)
Body and Surface (1.9.2006)
Kadonnut kaupunki (10.8.2007)
Muodonruodoksia (30.11.2007)
The Polar Night (28.11.2008)
Tanssi Korulle (29.8.2008)
Streams (6.3.2009)
Elegy (5.3.2010)
Here to Stay (9.10.2010)
Lost City presents: Experience Park Turku 2011 (21.7.2011)
Karsikko (14.10.2011)
Cuppyholes (2.2.2011)
Black Ice (30.3.2011)
Bachia improvisoiden (2012)
Contacts (2012)
Kuvittelen että luulen (2012)
Susurro (work-in-progress) (2012)
Scars - Breaking the barriers of intimacy (2013)
SUSURRO (2013)
Varjakka (2014)
Panopticon (30.1.2015)
Pessi ja Illusia (Yli-Maunula) (2015)
The Darkest Hits (2016)
The Tower (2016)
[mute] (2017)
The Secret Garden (2018)
Villa (2019)
VillaHailuoto (2019)
AER (2021)
Varjakka Revisited (2021)
Varikko (2022)
Work as a dancer Josephine Baker Show (1982)
Ritual (Tuovinen, Yli-Maunula) (1983)
Herääminen ja neljä naista (1984)
Tanssi kolmelle (1985)
Uni (Yli-Maunula) (1986)
Painajainen (1987)
Rajatiloja (1988)
Tanssi kahdelle (1988)
Harmaa kerros (1990)
Muutoksia (1990)
Tanssin tietoisku (1990)
Yön Kurkku (1990)
Levoton Aika (1991)
Kopeekka (1992)
Linea Negra (1992)
Me Ainaiset (1993)
Henkilökohtaista 3 (1994)
Eläimellinen romanssi (1995)
Nalle Puh (1995)
Glamouria - Unelmia Onnesta (1996)
Lady of Spells (1996)
Näkyjä (1996)
Only You (1996)
Keinu Kanssain (1997)
Nome (1997)
Piikkejä ja terälehtiä (1997)
Amfi (1998)
Crossroads (1998)
Foyer (1998)
Cycle (1998)
Pinnalle (1999)
Romantikuu (1999)
Promises (2000)
Castle of Clouds (2000)
Very Important Persons (2000)
Under (2001)
Carpe Diem (2001)
Carpe Diem 2 (2001)
Sahara (2002)
Yksin sateessa kaksin (2002)
Kannattele! (2003)
Handshake (2004)
Self Portrait (Yli-Maunula) (2005)
Body and Surface (2006)
North Land - Nomade Cabaret (2006)
Muodonruodoksia (2007)
RaamattuShow (2007)
Soolo itselle ja toiselle - Kaksi asennetta tilaan (2007)
The Polar Night (2008)
Kabaret Nomade (2008)
Kadonnut kaupunki (2008)
Tanssi Korulle (2008)
Touching Point (2008)
Crossing Intimacy (2009)
Streams (2009)
Elegy (2010)
Here to Stay (9.10.2010)
Jokinainen (2010)
Lost City presents: Experience Park Turku 2011 (21.7.2011)
Karsikko (14.10.2011)
Cuppyholes (2.2.2011)
Black Ice (30.3.2011)
Bachia improvisoiden (2012)
Contacts (2012)
Juhannusmorsian ja hääväki (2012)
Kuvittelen että luulen (2012)
Map of Scars (2012)
Susurro (work-in-progress) (2012)
Scars - Breaking the barriers of intimacy (2013)
SUSURRO (2013)
Whispers by the pearly gates (2013)
Varjakka (2014)
Panopticon (30.1.2015)
The Darkest Hits (2016)
The Tower (2016)
[mute] (2017)
Volonté (2017)
The Secret Garden (2018)
Villa (2019)
VillaHailuoto: Dancer (2019)
VIllaStage (2019)
Varjakka Revisited (2021)
Other artistic work Regional artist of Province of Oulu 1990-1991.

Founder member of the Oulu Dance Studio 1982, founder member of the Dance Glance Festival 1994, founder member of the JoJo - Oulu Dance Center 1998, founding member of the Pohjois-Karjala Dance Support Association 2003, founding member of Flow Productions;
Jury member, Ice Hot Dance platform 2016, 2018;
Jury member, Nuori kulttuuri Moves - event 2011, 2014, 2017;
Member of the selection committee, Subcase - nordic platform for new circus 2017;

Work as a teacher:
Raahe Ballet School 1979-1983, Oulu Dance Studio 1982-1998, Oulu Ballet School 1987-1988, Art School of Liminka 1988-1989, Oulu Conservatory of Music and Dance 1991-1992, 1996, 1998; Art School of Oulu 1993-1996.

Work with dance education:
organiser of the Dance Department of the Oulu Conservatory of Music and Dance, 1991; organiser of the Oulu Dance Summer at the Summer University of Northern Ostrobothnia, 1987-1991.

Mentor in Tanssin Talo (The Dance House) mentoring programme 2015-16.

Work on festivals:
Organiser of the Arktiset Askeleet festival 1989-1990, leadership 1995; member of the board of the Dance Glance -festival 1994-2002, Artistic director of the Full Moon Dance Festival 2003-2006, 2014-2016.

Work as a dancer and/or choreographer in Oulu City Theatre:
Alice in Wonderland, dir. Pentti Pesä 1979 (dancer); Tuhopolttajat, dir. Markus Packalén 1981 (chreographer, dancer); The Hostage, dir. Pentti Pesä 1982 (dancer); Blue Bird, dir. Leena Salonen 1982 (choreography, dancer); The Gypsy Princess, dir. Markus Packalén 1983-86 (dancer); Kalevala, dir. Timo Salonen 1985 (dancer), The Jungle Book, dir. Pentti Pesä 1986 (dancer); Ratsumies, dir. Lasse Lindeman 1987 (choreography); Slapovskin Kirsikkapuistikko, dir. Kimmo Kahra 1996 (movement consultant); Uncle Fedja and Aunt Tamara, dir. Tiina Puumalainen 1999 (choreography).

Work as a dancer and/or a choreographer in theater etc:
The Death and Defiance of Joacim Murieta, dir. Pentti Pesä, Oulun Työväen Näyttämö 1981 (choreographer); Pitkät Jäähyväiset, dir. Pentti Pesä, Kuopio City Theater 1987 (choreography, dance); We Bombed in New Haven, dir. Jari Juutinen, Student's Theatre of Oulu 1987 (choreographer); Angels on Broadway, dir. Petri Lehtinen, TTT Theater of Tampere 1995 (choreography); Duracellwomen goes groovy (dance video), Kimmo Leed, Okto & Oulu Dance Studio 1997 (dancer).
Dance duo Mysteeri 1979-1985 (dancer);
Stella klovnin Suuri Come Back -shöy, dance choreography, dir. Anna-Kaisa Järvi, 2017;

Work as a choreographer and an actor in films:
Rölli ja Metsänhenki, dir. Olli Saarela 2001.

Work as a choreographer on music video:
H.Y.V.Ä, Male Choir Huutajat 1996.

Work as a dancer in films:
Animal Within (short film), dir. Sampo Marjamaa, Janne-Pekka Manninen, 2007.

Work as a director:
Slapstickiä, Spalstickiä, 2010

Other work in dance productions:
regard exterieur in the piece Un Peuple de Promeneus, chor. William Petit, Oulu 2007.
Grants and awards Grants:
Arts Council of Oulu 1981, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1993, 1995, 1998-2000, 2006 ((as a member of an artistic team);
Oulu Cultural Fund 1982, 1984, 1986, 1997;
Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation 1987, 2001;
The Relief Fund for Dance 1989,
Riihi Foundation 1992,
Oulun läänin tanssialan tuki ry 1989, 1995;
Oulun Valistustalo oy 1983, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1995, 2004;
Finnish-Swedish Cultural Fund 1987, 1995, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2006;
Central Arts Council 1989, 1990 (as a member of an artistic team), 1997, 2006 (as a member of an artistic team), 2008;
five-year state grant to artists 2001;
National Council for Dance 1999, 2007 (as a member of an artistic team), 2008, 2011;
Finnish Cultural Foundation 2003, 2005, 2009, one-year working grant 2012;
Nordic Culture Point, mobility and residency programme 2007;
The artist of the year in Oulu, 2011;
National Council for Dance 2011;
Artistic Professor grant 2014-2018
award for the work done for dance, Art Event for the Youth 1994;
1st prize in the professional choreographers competition of the Kajaani Dances event 1996;
Theatre Women of Oulu 1996;
Cultural Award of the City of Oulu 2005;
The Union of Finnish Dance Artists, Tanssin Mainetekopalkinto 2008; Union of Dance and Circus Artists Finland, badge of merit 2017; The Finnish Cultural Foundation, North Ostrobothnia Regional Fund, recognition 2018; Iikka price from The work: the Secret Garden 2018;
Videography and TV recordings Black Romeo (dance video), dir. Antti Pylväs, Okto.
Other Information Positions of trust:
member of the board of Oulun läänin tanssialan tuki ry. 1987-1990, 1994-1999;
member of the board of The Union of Finnish Dance Artists 1990-1993, 1999-2001;
member of a work group of the Ministry of Education (issue: Finnish National Ballet's position, tasks and responsability of education 1993-1994);
chairman of the National Council for Dance 2001-2003;
chairman of Pohjoinen Tanssi Foorumi 2001-2003,
chairman of the Barents Dance Foundation 2001-2003,
member of the board of the Dance Arena Association 2001-2002,
member of the steering committee of the Finnish free lance dance scene's development project 2002-2003,
member of the board of the Pohjois-Karjala Dance Support Association 2003 - 2004, chairman of the board of the Flow Association 2006 onwards,
member of the board of Jojo - Oulu Dance Center 2008 - 2009,
member of the Association of Finnish Theatres' advisory committee for dance theatre 2008 onwards.
Member of the steering group of Tapahtumien Hubi 2016-2018
Member of the board of the Dance House 2016-2018;
Merber of the board of Circus Information Centre 2017-2018;
Member of the National Council for the Performing Arts 2016-2019.

Work as a producer:
Kadonnut kaupunki, dir. Janne Saarakala, Oulu 2007; Oulu Music Video Festival, Pumpeli Gala 2007 (producer-diretor); Kadonnut kaupunki - Oulu 2008, dir. Janne Saarakala; Kadonnut Kaupunki - Turku 2011, dir. Janne Saarakkala

Other dance education:
choreographic education, Turku School of Art and Communication 1994; education programme for art and culture producers, University of Oulu, Continuing Education Centre, 1994-1995.