Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Yli-Maunula, Pirjo
First Performance 30.11.2007
Place of First Performance The Youth and Culture Centre Nuku, Oulu
Finnish premiere 30.11.2007
Place of Premiere The Youth and Culture Centre Nuku, Oulu
Style Contemporary Dance
Other Style Muu tyylilaji
Duration (min) 90
Music composed for the work Jari Suomalainen (improvisaatio/improvisation)
Other Information Violinist: Jari Suomalainen, game script, director: Pekko Koskinen. The work was premiered as a part of the Oulun Pelikarnevaalit event.
Production: Pelikarnevaalit (Game Carneval), Pekko Koskinen.
Companies Flow Productions
Dancers Yli-Maunula, Pirjo (2007)