Dance Info Finland
Tervetuloa Tanka
- suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan
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In period of time
Vesterinen, Eero
Work as a dancer
Digital Duende (2003)
Menesiena (2003)
Press the Button! (2003)
Family Portraits (2004)
Rajaton tapaus (2004)
Ylva-Lii ja muita kertomuksia (2004)
Leap (Kitti) (2005)
Raw Dog (2005)
Umbra (2005)
Du-dun-duu (2006)
If Not Too Happy (2006)
Absoluutti (2007)
Helsinki Syndrome (2007)
House of Mrs Wilson (2007)
Kumman kalan paloja (2007)
Trio (Aaltokoski) (2007)
Adventures Of SamMacho (2008)
Situation Room (2008)
Leikkinä lumeen valtakunta (2009)
Variations of foreign origin (2009)
Tuulenpesä (2010)
Bad Body Doubles (2011)
Niko and I (2011)
Blinded Mind (1.4.2011)
100 Ways to Laugh (2012)
Rakkaus (2013)
Tunteet, tunteet (2013)
Fairy Councilor Koo (9.10.2014)
Who's afraid of the killer shark (13.3.2014)
MESH (2014)
Rehearsal on Love - a piece for two dancers (2015)
JUICY - It just came to mind (19.2.2015)
Short Stories from Forgotten Rooms (2015)
Esitys - A Performance (2016)
Esitys - A Performance (2016)
Neuromaani (2016)
Stop - the Dark Matter of the Art (2016)
The emotional life of a dog/what my father said (2016)
JAM - Herra Hillon hämmennys: Vilivili (2017)
At Once, in Helsinki (2018)
Oneiron (2018)
Audience (2018)
369° (2019)
Alice in Wonderland (2019)
Third Practice (2019)
Fugue in two colours (2020)
Frame (2021)
Parvi - Flock (2021)
Uranium Lamp (2021)
School of Life (2022)
Epidermis - The Fragile Skin of the Earth (2022)
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