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Monni, Kirsi
Date of birth | 4.6.1962 |
Profession |
Dancer Dance Instructor Choreographer Dance researcher |
Country | Finland |
Training |
Finnish National Opera Ballet School 1970 - 1978 (teachers including Saga Eriksson, Marita Ståhlberg, Sinikka Gripenberg, Seija Sifverberg); Helsinki Dance Institute, professional training programme, 1978 - 1980 (teachers including Ritva Kuusinen-Schorin, Charles Wynn, Sinikka Gripenberg); BA in Dance, Theatre Academy of Finland, Department of Dance 1995; studies in Alexander Technique, with Dick Gilbert, 1992 - 1999. Doctorate of Art in Dance, Theatre Academy of Finland 2004. Courses: The Union of Finnish Dance Artists, Theatre Academy of Finland, Continuing Education Centre; Palucca Schule, several dance studios in Paris, with e.g. Mary Prestidge, Mary Fulkerson, Anna Price, Carolyn Carlson, Jorma Uotinen and Carlotta Ikeda. |
Choreographed |
Polewinds Valkoisen kaupunki Yhdeksän etsivää ja loistava lähde This Heat 1. (28.10.1984) This Heat 2. (10.11.1985) Daimonion (10.8.1986) Marraskuun 11. (3.1.1987) Piipää (29.5.1987) Genius homonculii (8.2.1989) Mysteries in my mind (12.2.1990) Oskari and Veera (18.10.1991) Taivastalossa (15.6.1991) Tellus 1991 - Auringonkukkia (30.3.1991) The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (2.5.1992) Arcanum (9.2.1993) Skolaris (1.3.1993) Für Valeska (4.2.1994) Noname (6.11.1994) Maan ääres (Noli me tangere) (4.2.1995) 10.000 Creatures (17.4.1996) Ofelia (27.8.1996) Ki-ai (15.11.1997) Ancient Bodies (6.3.1998) Movement Chanting (11.2.1999) Other Voices (14.9.2001) Time-Quartet (15.4.2005) Friedenplatz (3.11.2006) Lichtweg (3.11.2006) ActsAndAffects (2017) |
Work as a dancer |
Jatkot (1983) Kenen (1983) K. Airo (1984) This Heat 1. (1984) Tikkurilan Carmen (1984) Rockaby (Kekäläinen) (1985) This Heat 2. (1985) Daimonion (1986) Marraskuun 11. (1987) Piipää (1987) Lilit Lins (1988) Paniikki kellarissa (1988) Genius homonculii (1989) Oskari and Veera (1991) Taivastalossa (1991) Tellus 1991 - Auringonkukkia (1991) The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1992) Arcanum (1993) Skolaris (1993) Te jotka asutte aikaa (1993) Für Valeska (1994) Noname (1994) 10.000 Creatures (1996) Ofelia (1996) Ki-ai (1997) Lichtweg (2006) |
Other artistic work |
Work as a teacher (courses in the following schools): Theatre Academy of Finland - Department of Dance, Department of Sound and Lighting Design, Department of Acting, Continuing Education Centre, 1986 onwards; University of Tampere, Department of Acting; Sverige Finska Folkhögskolan, Liminka Folk High School, Helsinki Polytechnic, Turku Polytechnic, Tzjus Theatre in Moscow 1998. Work in theatre, as a choreographic assistant: I, the Lord of Hysteria (Tuija Kokkonen), dir. Pieta Koskenniemi, 1990; Macbeth (Shakespeare), dir. Gama Kinkas, Helsinki City Theatre, 1996. Participation in the works of the performance groups Homo $ and Jack Helen Brut between 1981 and 1987. Improvisation performances: Luomus, Imu, Vanhan Tanssitunnit 1981 - 1984. Member of the artistic team of Helsinki Act - Changing Forms of Perfomance Art Festival 1996 onwards. Member of the artistic team of Sidestep Festival 2002 onwards. |
Grants and awards |
Grants: Leo and Regina Weinstein Foundation 1984, six-month state grant to artists 1987, three-year state grant to artists 1991, five-year state grant to artists 1996, 2003. Awards: State Prize for Merits in Dance (as a member of the Zodiak Presents association) 1990, Finland Prize 1998. |
Literature and articles |
Litarature: Olemisen poeettinen liike. Tanssin uuden paradigman taidefilosofisia tulkintoja Martin Heideggerin ajattelun valossa sekä taiteellinen työ vuosina 1996-1999. Acta scenica, Teatterikorkeakoulu, 2004. Articles: Göran Hagelberg. ”Kirsi Monni – Uuden etsijä”. TANSSI. 2/1994. Marjaana Toiminen. ”Tanssia maailman myötä”. TANSSI. 5/1997. Anna Veijalainen. ”Zeniläistä konkretiaa”. TANSSI. 2/1999. Hannele Jyrkkä. ”Tuuliajolta tieteeseen”. TANSSI. 4/1999. Raija Ojala. ”Kirsi Monni on the boundary of mind and body”. Finnish Dance in Focus. 1999. Own articles: "Tanssin eteneminen itsensä tiedostamisen tiellä". Tanssi, liikunta & filosofia, ed. Juha Varto. Talfit 1992. "Avoimet mahdollisuudet". Esiintyjä - tulkki ja tekijä, ed. Raija Ojala. WSOY 1995. "Column: On Dualism of Contemporary Dance". Finnish Dance in Focus. 2000. "Merkityksellinen kohtaaminen". Teatteri ja tanssi toimintakulttuureina, ed. Pia Houni & Pentti Paavolainen. Acta Scenica 10. Teatterikorkeakoulu 2002. "Tanssin mielestä ja merkityksestä". 1.11.2004. "Kuka katsoo, mitä näkyy? Pohdintoja tanssiajattelun taustoista." Tanssintekijät, ed. Hannele Jyrkkä. Like 2005. "Tanssi, havainto ja kehollinen ajattelu" Side Step Festival brochure, Zodiak, 2005. |
Videography and TV recordings |
The Place, dir. Eero Markuksela, chor. Kirsi Monni, 1992. Paikka maisemassa (video installation), dir. Kirsi Monni, filming and cutting Aulikki Nukala, sound Jari Kauppinen, perf. Kirsi Monni ja Ville Sormunen, 1992. |
Other Information | Positions of Trust: Founder Member of Zodiak Presents Association 1986, member of the governing committee of Zodiak Presents Association 1986 - 1996, member and chairman of the artistic board of Zodiak - The Center for New Dance 1997-2005, member of the artistic committee 2006 onwards, chairman of the board 2005. |