Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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First Performance 28.6.2000
Place of First Performance Kuopio City Theatre, Kuopio Dance Festival
Finnish premiere 28.6.2000
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 25
Scenography Palle Granhøj
Costume designer Palle Granhøj
Lighting Designer Palle Granhøj
Description Palle Granhøj (b. 1959) has been a professional dancer since 1986 and is the founder and the Artistic Director of Granhøj Dans.
In his work he seeks to draw the attention to the performing person rather than to the dancing figure. The performance applies the Obstruction method in which the choreographer first sets an assignment and then proceeds to hem it in with different kinds of rules.
Other Information The work was a part of the evening called Three is a Crowd which consisted of three Nodic duets.
Companies Nomadi Productions
Dancers Karttunen, Jyrki (2000)
Soini, Katri (2000)