Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Kvarnström, Kenneth
First Performance 5.3.2011
Place of First Performance Helsinki City Theatre, studio Elsa
Finnish premiere 5.3.2011
Place of Premiere Helsinki City Theatre, studio Elsa
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 65
Costume designer Erika Turunen
Lighting Designer William Iles
Performers of the premiere Kenneth Bruun Carlson, Sofia Karlsson, Kai Lähdesmäki, Janne Marja-aho, Valtteri Raekallio.
Other music Jyrki Sandell
Nina Simone: Feeling Good
Muse: Feeling Good
Biosphere: Path leading to the high grass, Gravity assist
Billy Holiday: Gloomy Sunday
Sarah McLachlan: Gloomy Sunday
Diamanda Galas: Gloomy Sunday
Other Information Producer: Marinella Jaskari, repetiteur: Johanna Elovaara, realisation of the lighting: Vesa Ellilä, sound technician: Miika Storm, realisation of the costumes: under the direction of Vaula Koukkula and Tiina Sivonen, hat maker: Tutta Laurén.
Companies Helsinki Dance Company
Dancers Bruun Carlson, Kenneth
Karlsson, Sofia
Lähdesmäki, Kai
Marja-aho, Janne
Raekallio, Valtteri