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Improtango Company

Contact person Choreographers Minna Tuovinen & Martin Heslop
WWW pages http://https://improtango.fi/
Year founded 1.1.1999
Funding Freelance dance company
Style Contemporary Dance
Artistic staff (number of) 5
Technical staff (number of) 1
Production based ensemble Yes
Description Choreographers Minna Tuovinen and Martin Heslop have been working together since 1991. In 1999 they formed As2wrists Dance Company. Since 2007 they have performed, choreographed and taught extensively in South-America. Their work combines tango and contemporary dance in a unique way called Improtango.

They have also developed a method for teaching improvisation and choreography called creative bodily communication. In 2009 they started an international cultural project called MovesOn. The company has already completed four projects in Ceara, North-Brazil and one project in Bahia Blanca, Argentina. Their latest piece Mango moves on was premiered in Havanna, Cuba in April 2009.
Other Information Until 2021 called As2Wrists
Engagements Heslop, Martin: artistic director (1999 - )
Tuovinen, Minna: artistic director (1999 - )
Heslop, Martin: artistic director (1999 - )
Tuovinen, Minna: artistic director (1999 - )
Heslop, Martin: artistic director (1999 - )
Tuovinen, Minna: artistic director (1999 - )
Performances See Through (31.7.1999)
Crawl the Butterfly Back (30.9.2000)
Zwei Akte (29.6.2001)
NakedMangoFallen (19.9.2002)
Antiplastinen (5.11.2003)
Anastamaa (28.7.2004)
Tango for the Emotionally Famous (3.10.2006)
Scifitango (24.4.2014)
TangoConTexto (25.8.2016)
Virgin Milonga (16.12.2016)
Circumstancial (19.10.2019)
Counterpoise (16.10.2021)