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Herrala, Satu
Date of birth | 5.1.1978 |
Profession |
Dancer Dance Instructor Choreographer |
Country | Finland |
herrala.satu(AT) | |
Training |
danceWEB Scholarship, Impulstanz Festival, Vienna, Austria 2004; Flowing 2004 - a series of movement laboratories, Theatre Academy of Finland, Continuing Education Centre 2004 (teachers including Riitta Pasanen-Willberg, Ervi Siren, Liisa Pentti, Lily Kiara, Jaana Klevering, Patricia Bardi); North Karelia College for Further Education, Outokumpu, dance programme 1999 - 2002 (teachers including Jaana Klevering, Pia Lindy, Jaap Klevering, Raisa Vennamo, Pia Karaspuro, Malcolm Manning, Soile Lahdenperä, Mirja Tukiainen, Benno Voorham, Patricia Bardi). Courses: Body and Earth (Andrea Olsen, Caren Mc Hose), BodySchool, Bern, Switzerland 2006; Somatique Movement course (Eva Karzag), Lonely in the Rain? Festival, Joensuu 2005; Tuning Scores (Lisa Nelson), Side Step Festival 2005; Dance technique course (Ervi Siren) 2004; Fine Tuning the Artist - an artists meeting, Ystävyyden Majatalo 2003; Real Time Composition (Marisa Grande) 2003; Flying Low technique, improvisation (David Zambrano) 2003; More Contact (Malcolm Manning) 2003; Midsummer Contact Meeting (x3) 2002, 2003; Nordic Improvisation Meeting (x3) 2002, 2003; Body and Music course (Kaarle Mannila and Johanna Ahlmark-Mannila) 2001, 2002, 2003; Creative Arts Europe Art Camp (Loreen Fajgel, Andreas Starr, Dorothee Bretz, Titta Tunkkari, Mark Garth) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003; Dancing Spines (Malcolm Manning) 2002; workshop (Mary Prestidge, Jo Blowers), Noore Tantsu Festival, Viro 2001; Composition workshop with Susan Rethorst, Side Step Festival 2000; Sukset Ristiin Susirajalla dance camp (Ari Numminen, Petri Kauppinen, Aarne Mäntylä, Kimmo Kahra) 1996. |
Engagements |
Cie. Willi Dorner: dancer (2006 - ) |
Choreographed |
Autio Talo (2003) "There is a certain part of all of us that lives outside of time" (2005) Project B (2005) Solo (for two old men and one young woman) (2005) Edge - huutoja reunoilta (2006) Mennään hiljaa, Hilja (2006) Nature Dances (20.8.2014) Mermaid Annabel and Sad Marjatta (2015) |
Work as a dancer |
Kannattele! (2002) Autio Talo (2003) Vuori (2003) Hanging Gardens (2004) Kaunotar ja hirviö (Vainio) (2004) Marian päivä (2004) "There is a certain part of all of us that lives outside of time" (2005) Project B (2005) Solo (for two old men and one young woman) (2005) The Choreographer's Venture (2005) 3 seconds (2006) Edge - huutoja reunoilta (2006) Eedenin aamu (2006) Future (2006) Inbetween (2006) Mennään hiljaa, Hilja (2006) Una (2006) Stage Animals #2: Sissi, Anno 2010 (2010) Our Social Democratic Bodies (14.4.2011) MONOGRAM - signature piece (2011) Nature Dances (20.8.2014) |
Other artistic work |
Other work as a dancer: The Meeting Point Helsinki, improvisation, UMO Jazz Club 2006; solo improvisations, Center for the Mariginal Arts Festival, Joensuu 2004; School works - Keskusteluja Ajassa Kohti Hetken Ikuisuutta ja Ikuista Hetkeä (improvisational duets for a dancer and a musician, site spesific), own diploma work, 2002; Intensiiviset 12 , chor. Jaana Klevering, 2001; Senegalilainen iltamessu, chor. Johanna Halen, 2001; Luonto Tulee Sisään (site-specific), chor. Jaana Klevering, 2001; Utua, chor. Jaana Klevering, 2001; Ääntä Liikkeellä, chor. Jaana Klevering, Jarmo Kähkönen, 2001; Niin, chor. Anna-Maija Terävä, 2001; Paljain Jaloin, chor. Hanna Pihko, 2001; Rukous, chor. Kristiina Vähäsarja, 2000; Höyhen Iholla, chor. Hanna Pihko, Silva Laukkanen, 2000; SSS Autokorjaamossa (site-specific), chor. Satu Herrala, Sunniva Huglen, Saila Reiniö, 2000; Hautuma (site-specific collaborative project) 2000; Morsian (street performance), 2000; Luukut, chor. Mirja Tukiainen, 2000; Viritetyn Raudan Himo, chor. Satu Herrala, Saila Reiniö, Anna-Maija Terävä, 1999; Suomalainen Messu, folk music and dance group Valkia, 1999 - 2002; Psalmilaulujen Ilta, series of church concerts, chor. Titta Tunkkari, Satu Herrala, 1998 - 2000. Research projects: Female dance research group, a working group for Jaana Klevering's artistic doctoral dissertation for the Theatre Academy of Finland, performances at the Theatre Academy and at the Tanssin Haja-alue Festival, Helsinki 2004 - 2005; Co-Creators (Malcolm Manning) 2003; SAM stands (Satu Herrala, Malcolm Manning, Anna-Maija Terävä) 2003. Work as a choreographer in theatre: Narri vai Kuningas (summer theatre), Christian Theatre of Tampere, 2002; Joulun sankari (musical), Christian Theatre of Tampere, 2001. Work as a teacher: Arts education project Vimmellys at the City of Espoo's day care centers, in collaboration with Hanna Mäkelä, 2005; Composition workshop, The Body Word Festival, St. Petersburg, Russia 2005; body conditioning, University of Helsinki's Sports Services 2004 - 2006; body conditioning, Vantaa Adult Education Centre 2004 - 2005; creative dance for parents and children, Vantaa Adult Education Centre 2003 - 2005; Integration workshops, Tampere Raqs Sharqi Association 2004; improvisation classes, The Finnish Missionary Institute 2003; Enviromental project, Somatique Movement Classes, North Karelia College for Further Education's dance programme, Outokumpu 2003; creative dance for children, Children's Movement and Art School Pomppu 2001 - 2002; creative dance for children, Outokumpu Youth Association 2001 - 2002. |
Grants and awards |
Grants: City of Espoo's Cultural Office 2005 (for the art education project Vimmellys), Finnland-Österreich Verei 2005 (travel grant), Arts Council of Finland 2004 (artist-in-residency grant), 2005 (travel grant). |
Other Information |
Organising the Z-open performance forums in collaboration with Liisa Pentti and Riikka Theresa Innanen, Zodiak - Center for New Dance 2005. Other education: University of Helsinki, study programme in logopedics, secondary subject psychology, 2003 onwards; Discipleship Training School, Youth With A Mission, m/v Anastasis 1998. |