Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Kekoni, Petri
First Performance 27.7.1998
Place of First Performance The Full Moon Dance Festival, Pyhäjärvi
Finnish premiere 27.7.1998
Style Contemporary Dance
Scenography Sanna Forsman
Costume designer Heli Körkkö
Lighting Designer Sanna Forsman
Music composed for the work Oliver Kohlenberg
Other Information Production: Amfi was commissioned by Full Moon Festival and Oulun tanssin keskus (Oulu dance centre).
Dancers Tuukkanen, Johanna (1998)
Karhumaa, Mia (1998)
Mehtälä, Irene (1998)
Sadinmäki, Riitta (1998)
Yli-Maunula, Pirjo (1998)