Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Here to Stay

Choreographer Huitila, Jukka
Mochniej, Wojciech
Monteros, Melissa
Yli-Maunula, Pirjo
First Performance 9.10.2010
Place of First Performance Cultural Centre Valve, Oulu
Finnish premiere 9.10.2010
Place of Premiere Cultural Centre Valve, Oulu
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 50
Costume designer Pirjo Valinen
Lighting Designer Jukka Huitila
Sound designer Jukka Huitila
Performers of the premiere Melissa Monteros, Wojciech Mochniej, Jukka Huitila, Pirjo Yli-Maunula, Ghislain Carosio, Henna Holma
Description The piece is an examination of the individual’s relationship with the ocean from psychological, mythical and ecological vantage points. Beauty and comfort, cruelty and death, ignorance and indifference are at the extremes of a conflicted world in this work. While not preachy, the piece does make statements about the relationship between man and sea.
Other Information Photos: Pekka Mäkinen, Stage photos: Jussi Tuokkola, grephic design: Tomi Hurskainen, production: Flow Productions, W&M Physical Theatre and JoJo - Oulun Tanssin Keskus
Companies Flow Productions
Dancers Holma, Henna
Yli-Maunula, Pirjo
Huitila, Jukka
Mochniej, Wojciech
Monteros, Melissa
Carosio, Ghislain