Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Lachky, Anton
First Performance 25.11.2008
Place of First Performance Helsinki City Theatre, studio Elsa
Finnish premiere 25.11.2008
Place of Premiere Helsinki City Theatre, studio Elsa
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 50
Costume designer Elina Kolehmainen
Lighting Designer Mikki Kunttu
Sound designer Jyrki Sandell
Performers of the premiere Jenni-Elina Lehto, Kai Lähdesmäki, Valtteri Raekallio, Inka Tiitinen, Soile Voima, Nikoleta Rafaelísová
Music composed for the work Simon Thiérrée
Description Lachky, renowned for his intense kinetic language, says that a communal working method has been the foundation of Softandhard and the language of movement has been created in cooperation with the dancers. He is interested in exploring the unique physical characteristics, creativity and personal contribution of each dancer as well as the strong communal spirit of the group. The impressive, minimalistic music of the French composer Simon Thiérrée and the spectacular lighting by Mikki Kunttu - one of Europe's number one light designers - add their own touches to the performance.

The choreography combines human movement with animalistic influences such as the elegant yet powerful movement of a horse. Softandhard also contains elements of gaming and playing which can be interpreted to manifest and accentuate the spirit of togetherness.
Other Information Producer: Marinella Jaskari, stage manager: Antti Laurikainen, realization of dressing: Tiina Sivonen and the team, realization of lights: Vesa Ellilä, photos: Tuire Ruokosuo
Companies Helsinki Dance Company
Dancers Lehto, Jenni-Elina (2008)
Lähdesmäki, Kai (2008)
Raekallio, Valtteri (2008)
Tiitinen, Inka (2008)
Voima, Soile (2008)
Rafaelísová, Nikoleta (2008)