Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Malviniemi, Mia

Date of birth 31.7.1969
Profession Dancer
Dance Instructor
Country Finland
Training MA in Dance, Theatre Academy of Finland, Department of Dance 1991-1996.
Choreographed Erilainen, monenlainen, toisenlainen, samanlainen
Hius messut
Juhlat (Malviniemi)
Paratiisi kadoksissa
Viisitoista vaaksaa
Humina (30.7.1997)
Triankeli (Malviniemi) (9.5.1997)
Katajainen (23.2.1999)
Icon (21.3.2000)
Closer (Malviniemi) (1.8.2002)
Jäitä lihassa (9.5.2003)
Sirkus Wimma (15.7.2004)
Hyvää päivää - God dag (9.12.2008)
People (16.11.2010)
On this side of the shadow (18.5.2011)
MORAINE Dances on the islets – traces on the rocks (2012)
Reflections into another light (2013)
Silence (20.11.2014)
Scape (2016)
Flowers of Heart (2016)
People Pollution (2017)
People Pollution II (2018)
Hero Colours (2019)
Moments from K (2021) (2021)
Work as a dancer Seuraava (1991)
One Way (1992)
1500 kg (1993)
Amazonas (1993)
Etno Pirkot (1993)
Lentoon (1993)
Hiiltynyt onni (1994)
Vie en vue (1994)
12 Juliaa (1995)
How is lihas (1995)
Akti (1996)
Tanssia sielusta hersyvälle naurulle (1996)
Triankeli (Malviniemi) (1997)
Vaahtoklubi (1997)
Bubble Speaks (1998)
Icon (2000)
Karaistus (2000)
Labyrintti (2000)
PSD (2000)
Tippa/Farmasiapäivät (2000)
Closer (Malviniemi) (2002)
Ihanan dramaattisia naisia! (2003)
Valuma (2004)
People (16.11.2010)
On this side of the shadow (18.5.2011)
Silence (20.11.2014)
Scape (2016)
Flowers of Heart (2016)
People Pollution II (2018)
Hero Colours (2019)
Other artistic work Work as a teacher: The folk high school of Jamilahti, musical theatre programme 1998; Central Ostrobothnia Adult Education Institute, theatre programme 1998; Central Ostrobothnia Adult Education Institute, dance programme 1999; Kokkolan Estraditaiteenkoulu (School of Estrade Arts), department of dance (contemporary dance) 1999-2000.
Work as a choreographer in theatre: Torn 1994, Peltoniemen Hintrekin surumarssi 1996, Caligula 1997, Fame 1999, Anne Krankin päiväkirja, Aurinkoteatteri, dir. Leea Klemola 2001, Folk -opera 2001.
Work as a dancer in theatre: Ihmisen vaatteissa, chor. Minna Vainikainen, dir. Katja Krohn, Aurinkoteatteri 1994; Kolme Lumikkia ja 200 kääpiotä, chor. Anneli Rautiainen, Comedy Theatre Arena 1996; Maija Räkänokka, dir. Harriet Abrahamsson, Totem Theatre 1998; Via Krusis, dir. Juha Hemanus, Suomussalmi Group 1998; Orfeus and Eyrydike, chor. Juha Hietakangas, dir. Ville Sandqvist, TAITE-group 1998; Mikä meteli!, dir. Marina Motalef, Totem Theatre 1998; Anne Krankin päiväkirja, dir. Leea Klemola, Aurinkoteatteri 2001.
Performance in the exhibition Mustan siiven varjossa (Kiba Lumberg) 1998.
Grants and awards Grants: Six-month state grant to artists 1999, danceWEB scholarship 1998.
Other Information Positions of trust: Chairman of MA Dancers 1998, chairman of Tiloja tanssille -association 2001-2002.