Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Tuovinen, Paula
First Performance 24.7.2001
Place of First Performance Full Moon Dance Festival, Pyhäjärvi
Finnish premiere 24.7.2001
Style Contemporary Dance
Costume designer Outi Sulkala
Lighting Designer Johanna Salomaa
Music composed for the work Harri Kerko: ...Aistin..., Melankolia, Sklerosis
Description Forewords of the choreographer in the handbill: "In the work sense I'm trying to touch the premiss of embodied cognitive science that the mind and conceptual thought are inherently embodied. The embodied mind can be seen in language in thousands of primary metaphors like 'knowing is seeing', 'thinking is moving', 'vertical position is ability'.
sense deals with the possibility that thinking and sensing are inseparable, that the locus of reason would be the same as locus of perception and motor control. The work includes scenes with sense, nonsense, sensuality and sensing and all this at the same time."
Other Information Musicians: Taru Itäpelto-Hu, Harri Joy, Timo Kortesmäki, Ilmari Kuoppa, Kari Vehmanen, Ann-Louise Wäger; visual design: Mika Aalto-Setälä, producer: Hanna Pajala.
sense has been made in co-production with European Social Fund, Full Moon Dance Festival, Zodiak - The Center for New Dance and MA Dancers.
Companies MA Dancers
Zodiak - The Center for New Dance
Dancers Nevanlinna, Vera (2001)
Rantanen, Tuovi (2001)
Pajala-Assefa, Hanna (2001)
Hiekkaranta, Anne (2001)