Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Savinen, Ari
Soini, Eeva
Kivelä, Sampo
First Performance 24.5.1986
Place of First Performance The Finnish National Opera
Finnish premiere 24.5.1986
Place of Premiere The Finnish National Opera
Style Classic Ballet
Scenography Anna Kontek, Sampo Kivelä, Ari Savinen, Eeva Soini
Costume designer Anna Kontek, Sampo Kivelä, Ari Savinen, Eeva Soini
Music composed for the work Sampo Kivelä
Other Information Tahra has three parts: I Memory, II Sister and Brother, III Shadow. Tahra was performed in the Choreographic Workshop together with Avanti, Täysikuu and Ilmiö.
Companies Finnish National Ballet
Dancers Kivelä, Sampo (1986)
Savinen, Ari (1986)
Soini, Eeva (1986)