Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Lehtopolku, Riku
First Performance 6.4.2015
Place of First Performance Pori Theatre, Pori
Finnish premiere 6.4.2015
Place of Premiere Pori Theatre, Pori
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 45
Sound designer Eero Auvinen
Performers of the premiere Auri Ahola, Maria Autio, Riikka Tankka, Riku Lehtopolku, Jouni Majaniemi
Description ARK has gotten its spark from many sorts of well-being practises through which people seek happier lives in a world that keeps on getting more crowded and swift.
Companies PDC Pori Dance Company
Dancers Ahola, Auri (2015)
Autio, Maria (2015)
Tankka, Riikka (2015)
Lehtopolku, Riku (2015)
Majaniemi, Jouni (2015)