Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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First Performance 14.6.2012
Place of First Performance Kuopio Music Centre, Chamber Music Hall
Finnish premiere 14.6.2012
Place of Premiere Kuopio Music Centre, Chamber Music Hall
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 90
Costume designer Karoliina Koiso-Kanttila
Lighting Designer Tiiti Hynninen
Performers of the premiere Jyrki Karttunen, Sari Lakso, Eero Hämeenniemi (piano)
Description In Lacrimae two dancers, Jyrki Karttunen and Sari Lakso interpret famous baroque opera death scenes together with composer Eero Hämeenniemi´s piano improvisation.

“And though the tilte doth promise tears, unfit guests in these joyfull times, yet no doubt pleasant are the teares which Musicke weepes, neither are tears shed alwayes in sorrowe, but sometimes in joy and gladnesse.”
John Dowland
Other Information Co-production with Kuopio Dance Festival
Companies Karttunen Kollektiv
Dancers Lakso, Sari (2012)