Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Drómos – liikkeen jälki

Choreographer Lahdenperä, Soile
First Performance 1.12.2010
Place of First Performance Helsingin taidemuseo Tennispalatsi, Helsinki
Finnish premiere 1.12.2010
Place of Premiere Helsingin taidemuseo Tennispalatsi, Helsinki
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 50
Scenography Tomi Humalisto
Costume designer Terttu Torkkola
Lighting Designer Tomi Humalisto
Sound designer Jouni Tauriainen
Performers of the premiere Janne Aspvik, Giorgio Convertito, Riikka Theresa Innanen, Anni Rissanen, Nina Viitamäki
Music composed for the work Jouni Tauriainen
Description Drómos – liikkeen jälki is a piece that changes in time and space. Five dancers create the choreography at the same time as they perform it. The themes in the performance are contact, sharing, touching, resisting, letting go, covering and revealing.
Other Information Drómos premiere happened in a middle of Peekaboo, Uusi Etelä-Afrikka art exhibition.
Dancers Aspvik, Janne
Convertito, Giorgio
Innanen, Riikka Theresa
Viitamäki, Nina
Rissanen, Anni