Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Pentti, Liisa
First Performance 23.1.2003
Place of First Performance Zodiak, Helsinki
Finnish premiere 23.1.2003
Place of Premiere Zodiak, Helsinki
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 52
Scenography Thomas Lehmen
Costume designer Thomas Lehmen
Lighting Designer Thomas Lehmen
Sound designer Thomas Lehmen
Description In Schreibstück the author Thomas Lehmen hands over a script (written material) to three choreographers with three dancers each. The score is not a graphic dance notation, but a spatio-temporally structured succession of themes and topics. The material is worked out by the performers in a conventional relation with the respective choreographer responsible for an interpretation. The different interpretations will be presented simultaneously as a shared evening. The premiere of the work/script was adapted by three different choreographers in Berlin in 2002. (Source material: Thomas Lehmen, Side Step Festival leaflet)
Other Information The concept of the work: Thomas Lehmen
Companies Liisa Pentti + CO
Dancers Convertito, Giorgio (2003)
Orpana, Mikko (2003)
Risu, Liisa (2003)