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Photo: Heli Rekula
Requiem (Kekäläinen)
Choreographer |
Kekäläinen, Sanna |
First Performance | 10.3.1996 |
Place of First Performance | Turbiini Hall, Cable Factory, Helsinki |
Finnish premiere | 10.3.1996 |
Place of Premiere | Turbiini Hall, Cable Factory, Helsinki |
Style | Contemporary Dance |
Scenography | Marja Kanervo |
Costume designer | Riitta Röpelinen |
Lighting Designer | Sirje Ruohtula |
Music composed for the work | Shoin Kanki, es./per. Katholikos choir, johtajana/conduted by Märt Krell (nauha/tape). |
Dancers |
Airaksinen, Anna (1996) Backlund, Mika (1996) Lähdesmäki, Kai (1996) Marja-aho, Janne (1996) Sormunen, Ville (1996) Rouhiainen, Leena (1996) Kekäläinen, Sanna (1996) Lukkari, Jatta (1996) Heiskanen, Simo (1996) |