Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Kekäläinen, Sanna
First Performance 10.1.2006
Place of First Performance Stoa the Cultural Centre of Eastern Helsinki
Finnish premiere 10.1.2006
Place of Premiere Stoa the Cultural Centre of Eastern Helsinki
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 60
Scenography Taina Relander
Costume designer Taina Relander
Lighting Designer Antti Helminen
Description "Is it possible that people would form communities without demanding its members any particular identity, that being whoever could be the starting point of existing together? Creature outlines what the personal space and its emotional life would then be. Creature is life in a body as being whoever." (Source: programme)
The work consist of six scenes:
1. The world of the happy and of the unhappy
2. Being - Thus
3. Irreparable
4. Paradise equals hell
5. Happiness that touches the human body
6. Lets ask the animal
Other Information The work was premiered as a part of a double-bill which consisted of the works Unidentified Dancer and Creature.
Production: Kekäläinen & Company, Stoa the Cultural Centre of Eastern Helsinki.
Companies K&C Kekäläinen & Company
Dancers Kekäläinen, Sanna (2006)
Soini, Katri (2006)