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Romppanen, Helena
Date of birth | 2.7.1963 |
Profession |
Dancer Dance Instructor Choreographer |
Country | Finland |
Training | Ballet School Raija Lehmussaari, Jazz Dance School Mona Koivunen, Balettakademien, Stockholm; Danshögskolan, Stockholm. |
Engagements |
AB Dance Company: dancer (1985 - 1989) AB Dance Company: dancer (1999 - 2003) |
Work as a dancer |
Music, Music (1985) Any woman is a woman (1985) A Relief (1985) Tirlittan (1985) Eject (1986) The Street games (1986) Thin Ice (1986) Fan Dance (1986) Limit (1987) The Bus (1987) Meaculpa (1987) A Piece of Heaven (Lehmussaari) (1987) Without a theater II (1987) The Brick bearers (1987) Tha Banana place (1988) The Frieze of life (1988) Three nights (1988) Kvasi (1989) Ikkuna (1992) Kirkkotilassa (1993) Maria (1993) Odotus (Vainio) (1993) Pääsiäismessu (1993) Moon Sale (1994) Yukio Mishima (1994) Scappati (1995) The Wizard of Oz (1999) Sokerisisko (1999) Something about... (1999) The Hanuri (1999) Uniooma (1999) Reality of Six Senses (2000) Moondrunk (2000) (2000) The Ugly duckling (2000) Head Down Flyer (2001) Nightingale (Lehmussaari) (2001) Virgo (2001) 5 alkua (2002) The Nutcrakcer (Poolamets) (2002) Vuori (2003) Maria (2004) Valkoisesta (2004) Eedenin aamu (2005) Vihervalko (2005) Symphony (Lindfors) (2006) Maan voima (2007) Audifilia (2008) Samaria (2008) Passio (2011) (2011) cycles per second (2012) Sin opera (2013) |
Other artistic work |
Work as a teacher: Mona Koivunen's Jazz dance school, Britt Marie Berggrens balettskolan, Stockholm (classical ballet); The Insitute for Modern Dance Art in Finland (classical ballet), Espoo Ballet School (classical ballet), Dance Forum - Performing Art School, Gothenburg; workshop "Zeitraum - Zeltraum. Bewegung" together with textile artist Julia Hasenberg, Linz, Austria (improvisation, composition technic); Turku Arts Academy, Faculty of Performing Arts, course in contemporary dance. Other work as a dancer: Mona Koivunen's Jazz dance group 1983-1984, Sikte mot stjärnorna, Åbo Svenska Teatern 1984; The Magic Flute, dir. Laura Jäntti, chor. Raija Lehmussaari, Turku City Theatre 1989; Sokerisisko (Sugar Sister, dance installation), chor. & dir. Hannele Romppanen, music Heikki Tikka, 2001; Rusalka (opera), dir. Kristiina Helin, Helsinki Festival, Alexander's Theatre 2004; Naarastus (media performance), visualisation & dir. Helena Romppanen, chor. Helena and Hannele Romppanen, music Heikki Tikka, dance Hannele Romppanen, NIFCA, Gallery Augusta, the fortress island Suomenlinna 2004; La Clemenza di Tito (opera), dir. Kristiina Helin, Sibelius Academy Opera, 2005; Sudenmorsian ja Batsheba Saarenmaalla, dir. Ville Saukkonen. Kumu, Estonia 2007; In cosmos, chor. & dir. Aki Suzuki, workshop- demo, tanssipaja Miilu, Helsinki 2008. Work as a dancer and choreogrpaher in STUNT media perfromances: Final Stunt, Northern Photographic Centre, Oulu 2008; VI Act - taisteluun unohdusta vastaan, Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova, Turku 2008; Act I - Sleeping Beauty, Kuntsi Museum of Modern Art, Vaasa 2008; Ikiwanha, Barker Theatre, Turku 2007; Final Stunt, Muu Gallery, Helsinki and Ars Nova, Turku, 2007; Part 1. Sleeping Beauty, Vienna International Apartement, Turku and Wäinö Aaltonen Museum of Art, Turku 2005 - 2007; Part 2. Angel, Art Chapel, Turku 2005 - 2007; STUNT (media performance), dir. and visualisation Hannele Romppanen, Turku 2005. Work as dancer in church dance productions: 3 Dances, chor. Riitta Vainio, Church of Lohja; Marian Usko (Maria's Faith), chor. Riitta Vainio, Church of Lohja, Cathedral of Saint Henrik (Helsinki), 2007. Working period at an artist residency in Austria: Werkstatt-, atelier-, symposion-, seminar,- galeriehaus, FARBWERK RADEGUND 2004; ITINERARIUM, dance and textile installion work in progress, with Julia Hasenberg, at Linz. Work as an illustrator: Balettmetodik - den röda tråden, metod och konsekvens i undervisning av klassisk balett, writer Iskra Ring, drawings Helena Romppanen, 2003. |
Grants and awards | Grants: Arts Council of the Province of Turku and Pori 1986, Anders Sandrews Stiftelse, Stockholm, Sweden 1992; Arts Council of Varsinais-Suomi 2008. |
Videography and TV recordings | Nomad (video dance installation), chor. & dance Helena Romppanen, design & dir. Julia Hasenberg 1998; Naarastus (media performance) visualisation & dir. Hannele Romppanen, chor. Helena and Hannele Romppanen, music Heikki Tikka, dance Helena Romppanen, Gallery Augusta, NIFCA, the fortress island Suomenlinna 2004. |