Dance Info Finland
Tervetuloa Tanka
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In period of time
Rastas, Jarmo
Work as a dancer
Korttipeli: Ace of Diamonds (1970)
Ballet Anatomy: partners (1971)
Con Amore: Rich man (1971)
Fantasma: Master of ceremonies (1971)
Kontakteja (1971)
The Nutcracker (Carter): Mr Silberhaus (1971)
Beatrice: Minos (1972)
Se eli paljon melua - tyhjästäkö?: Leader Lejonhufvud (1972)
Vuodenajat (Glazunov): Pas de deux (1972)
Otello: Montano (1973)
Coppelia (Saint-Leon): Franz (1974)
The Tempest: Ferdinand (1974)
Psykhe: Eros (1974)
Sumua: Des pas sur la neige (1974)
Sumua: Voiles (1974)
Ballet Sports: On gym (1975)
Swan Lake (Ivanov, Petipa, Vagabov): Benno, Sigfrid's friend (1976)
Pikkuporvarin seitsemän kuolemansyntiä: drunken man (1976)
Pikkuporvarin seitsemän kuolemansyntiä: electrician (1976)
Pikkuporvarin seitsemän kuolemansyntiä: two men with revolvers (1976)
Riikinkukko: Boy (1976)
Kyllikin ryöstö: Lemminkäinen (1977)
Till Eulenspiegel: Fisher (1977)
Petrushka (Sylvestersson): The Moor (1978)
Raportti: Poet (1978)
Romeo and Juliet (Sylvestersson): Mercutio, Romeo's friend (1979)
...your eyes (1980)
The House of Bernarda Alba: Man (1980)
The Seven Brothers (1980)
The Miraculous Mandarin (Eck): Mandarin (1981)
The Wolf's Bride (Sylvestersson): Wolf (1981)
Tide (1981)
Mirage: Lover (1982)
The Little Prince (Sylvestersson): Pilot (1982)
Ward No. 6: Nikita (1982)
Symphony in D-Major (1982)
Four Last Songs: III song (1983)
Bolero (1984)
Kuin Orfeus: Travel guide (1984)
Reflections: Lemminkäinen's father (1985)
The Midsummer Night's Dream (1985)
The Nutcracker (Grigorovitsh) (1985)
The Swan of Tuonela (from the ballet Lemminkäinen) (1985)
The Elective Affinities (1985)
Napoli (Bournonville/Ralov): Golfo, a sea god (1986)
Carmina Burana (Vamos): Ego (1987)
Loviisa (1987)
Loviisa: Farmer of Saaroinen (1987)
Dances in the Evening (1987)
Images de la nuit (1987)
Lady of the Camellias: Monsieur Duval, Armand's father (1988)
Spirit Blues (1989)
Giselle (Coralli-Perrot-Petipa, Pavlova): Prince Lothar (1990)
Nijinsky - jumalan tanssija (Vanhakartano): Diaghilev (1990)
Maa (31.10.1991)
Pulcinella (Christe): Magician (1991)
The Rite of Spring (Nijinsky): The Sage (1994)
The Nutcracker (Nurejev): Father (1994)
The Nutcracker (Nurejev): Russian dance (1994)
Jailhouse Rock (1995)
Margariinitehtaan miehet (1996)
The Sleeping Beauty (Nureyev - Petipa): King Florestan (1999)
James Dean (2001)
The Nutcracker and the Mouse King (van Schayk/Eagling): Grandfather Rautanen (2002)
The Swan Lake (van Dantzig) (2004)
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