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Niiranen, Hannele
Date of birth | 1954 |
Profession |
Dancer Dance Instructor Choreographer drama instructor |
Country | Finland |
Training |
Studies in modern dance (cunningham, graham and limon techniques), contemporary dance, jazz dance, African dance, improvisation, capoiera and martial arts as follows: In Finland – private dance schools and the courses organised by the Union of Finnish Dance artists since 1970s, courses organised by the Continuing Education Centre of the Theatre Academy of Finland since 1980s, studies in hokytoryu-jujutsu 1992 – 1994, studies in astanga yoga 1995 onwards. Abroad - Laban Centre, London Contemporary Dance School 1981; Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, de teaterschool, School voor Moderne Dans 1983; Paris 1985, regular study trips 1987 – 1995 (modern dance, theatre and dance improvisation, clownery, capoiera); Avignon 1987 (Dominique Dupuy), 1993 (Joseph Nadj); Roy Hart International Voice Centre 1995, San Fransisco 1987 (Lynda Davies, Jess Slater), New York 1989 (Ruth Currier); intensive courses in capoeira in 1990s in Berlin and London. Principal teachers: Ervi Sirén, Anna Price, Dyane Gray, Carolyn Carlson, Mary Prestidge, Anne Koren, Ruth Barnes. |
Engagements |
Dance Theatre Hurjaruuth: dancer (1981 - 1993) |
Work as a dancer |
Hillin, Millin ja Lillin seikkailut (1982) Piilokoo (1982) Hippo Miniatyyrejä (1983) Paletti (1983) Unohdettu huone II (1983) Ladies (1984) Sirkus Marmara (1984) Kuka murhasi Yrjö Linssin? (1985) Unohdettu huone eli tirkistysluukku (1985) Viimeiset ruusut (1985) Korva (1986) Kiinalainen juttu (1987) Rotta - narua ja totta (1987) Arvaa mitä! (1988) Ihmisen osa (1988) Kudon silkkilankaa täältä tuonne (1988) 5+5 (1989) Saari (1989) Via (1989) Five plus Five (1989) Kanteletar (1990) Yötyö (1990) Kipralttari (1991) Sokeitten paratiisi (1991) 1001 (1992) Ansikten - skagen - ballroom (1992) Lumen Valo (1992) Sementtiä kainaloissa (1993) Home Alone (1994) Punahilkka (1995) |
Other artistic work |
Work as a teacher: Permanent teaching positions- The Finnish Adult Education Centre of Eastern Helsinki 1980 - 1982 (jazz dance), Dance School of Dance Theatre Raatikko 1980 - 1983 (children's creative dance), Kalliolla Settlement 1981 - 1987 (jazz dance, modern dance), Espoo Dance Institute 1986 - 1987 (children's creative dance), vocational education in arts at the The Finnish Adult Education Centre of Central Helsinki 1994 onwards (movement expression for actors); City of Helsinki Cultural Office, The Annantalo Arts Centre 1995 - 2000 (children's dance expression); Production School Sininen Verstas 1996 - 1997 (theatre workshop), Finnish National Opera Ballet Shcool, professional classes 1998 onwards (dance improvisation and composition, direction of written diploma works), The Annantalo Arts Centre 1999 - 2000 (physical theatre group of 13 to 16 years old's), Vantaa Dance Institute 1999 - 2003 (children's dance/special education of boys), Principal of the Finnish National Opera Ballet School 2003 onwards. Courses (among others, dance, movement and physical expression; relations of movement and space etc.) - Liminka Folk High School 1982, Helsinki Summer University, art workshop for Swedish speaking children, 1983; Tikkurila Theatre 1994, Keski-Pohjanmaa Institute 1995, 1996; Production School Sininen Verstas 1995, 1998; Dance Department of the Turku Conservatory of Music and Dance 1995, 1996; Continuing Education Centre of the Theatre Academy of Finland 1995, 1998, 1995, 1996, 1998, 2000; Västra Nylands Folkhögskola 1995, Lahti Folk High School 1995, Open University/The Theatre Academy of Finland 1996 (in co-operation with Mika Nuojua), Dance Theatre Hurjaruuth, education programmes with day-care centres 1996, 1997; City of Helsinki/CIMO, the Center for International Mobility – international expression workshop, Imola 1996; international dance theatre workshop, Montpellier 1996; international street theatre workshop, Pau 1997; Keski-Uusimaa Adult Education Centre Adulta, producer education 1997, 1999; Assitej Festival, Jöhv 1998; Production School Sininen Verstas, Aktkolorart Theatre workshop, Berlin 1998; Mediakylpylä 1998, 1999, 2001; CIMO, the Center for International Mobility - preparation course for young volunteer workers 1998, 1999 (meeting of cultures, role plays), youth instructor education 1999; Apecimm/Crearc Festival, international theatre workshop 1999; Theatre Pieni Suomi 1999, Mediakylpylä/Production School Sininen Verstas 2000, University of Turku/Polytechnic, dance therapy education 2000 (dance improvisation); Youth Centre Narri, Helsinki 2000; Pohjois-Karjala Institute 2001 (in co-operation with Antti Riikonen), 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007; The Finnish National Opera Ballet School, special education 2001; The Finnish National Opera, education programme OOP! 2001; Adulta Oy 2002. Work as a choreographer: Olat, in coooperation with visual artists Anne Sunila and Marianne Heino 1987; Helmet ja miekka, dir. Tuulikki Kankaanpää, Espoo Dance Institute, Espoo Music Institute 1987; Arthur (musical play), dir. Merja Talvela, Existers group of The Annantalo Arts Centre 1994; Hohto – opening of the Art Event for Youth, Helsinki City Cultural Office 1994; Käärmeensilmä, Night of the Arts, Hesperia Park, Helsinki City Cultural Office 1994; Enkelin kosketus (shadow theater), Night of the Arts, Hesperia Park, Production School Sininen Verstas 1995; Kansansankari Alma, dance programme of the Turku Conservatory of Music and Dance 1996; Polte – opening of the Art Event for Youth, chor. Hannele Niiranen & Marko Saarinen, Helsinki City Cultural Office 1996; Yö puistossa (mask play), Night of the Arts, Linnunlaulu Park, Production School Sininen Verstas 1996; L'amour est aveugle (dance performance), Montpellier 1996; Näkymätön piiri (shadow theatre), Valon Voimat Festival, Helsinki, Production School Sininen Verstas 1996; Niin se käy!, Production School Sininen Verstas 1996; Haiku (shadow theatre), production School Sininen Verstas 1997; Animaalinen hymni (shadow theatre performance), Night of the Arts, Linnunlaulu Park, Production School Sininen Verstas 1997; Aktkolorart (street theatre), Berlin 1998; Vierivät kivet (demo), The Finnish National Opera Ballet School 1998; The Kevätjuhla, Vantaa Dance Institute, Tarhapuisto comprehensive school, lower level 1999; Nature elle ment (dance theatre), Vantaa Dance Institute, Apecimm Cultural Association, Grenoble 1999; Noitaympyrät, physical theatre group of the Annatalo Arts Centre, Valon Voimat Festival, Helsinki 1999; Tulot ja menot (demo), The Finnish National Opera Ballet School 1999; Kadonneet lapset (play), dir. Tarja Heiskanen, Mäntyharju Youth Theatre 2000; Antiikin kauniit ja rohkeat, physical theatre group of the Annatalo Arts Centre, Helsinki 2000; Keskiyön hetki (performance), Night of the Arts, Hesperia Park, Helsinki City Cultural Office 2000; Ihme maa (dance tale), day-care centre Karavaani 2001; Kova päivä, Vantaa Dance Institute 2001, Kierto ja kulku, Vantaa Dance Institute 2001; Kylän komeimmat kumpareet (restaurant cabaret), dir. Kaija Kangas, Restaurant La Tour, Helsinki 2002; Selätys, degree course in theatre of Pohjois-Karjala Institute 2003; Seitsemän veljestä, dir. Kai Paavilainen, Teatteri Väkivahva 2003; Niskavuoren naiset, dir. Tiina Markkanen, Teatteri Väkivahva 2004. Other work as a dancer: Children's Dance Theatre Tuulihiiri, artistic director Virpi Tummavuori, 1978 – 1979; Unohdettu huone I (performance), chor. Arja Pettersson, Dance Theatre Hurjaruuth 1981; Peace Event of dancers, Viihtymävisio viihdeohjelmat 1982; Kolme mummoa (tv play), dir. Raili Rusto, Lasten TV 1983; Ulosmittaajat (comedy series), dir. Erkki Pohjanheimo, YLE TV 1 1983; Piilokoo (tv recording), chor. Arja Pettersson, dir. Erkki Ilo, YLE Koulu-TV 1983; Venla Gala, dir. Heidi Köngäs, Viihdeohjelmat 1984; Unohdettu huone III ja IV (performances), chor. Arja Pettersson, Dance Theatre Hurjaruuth 1984; Pikku Kakkosen kesäkiertue, dir. Olli Ilmonen, YLE TV 2 1985; 5+5 (tv recording), chor. Mirja Tukiainen, dir. Heikki Konttori, YLE TV-1 1991; Kanteletar (tv recording), chor. Arja Pettersson, dir. Erkki Ilo, YLE Koulu-TV 1991; Hurjaruuth 10 Years Gala, chor. Mirja Tukiainen, Raisa Vennamo, Tarja Rinne & Jens Walentinsson, Ervi Sirén, Hannu Raatikainen, Ville Hukkinen, Heikki Laitinen and Leena Porri, Dance Theatre Hurjaruuth 1991; Pellit auki (tv show), dir. Vesa Nuotio, YLE TV 1 1992; Drive or Die (theatre performance & tv recording), dir. Kari Heiskanen, chor. Ari Numminen, Cable Factory, Helsinki 1994; 50th Anniversary Gala of Mirja Tukiainen, chor. Mirja Tukiainen, 1997; 20th Anniversary Gala of Dance Theatre Hurjaruuth, chor. Juha Hietakangas, 2001. Participation in jurys etc: Art Event for youth – regional jury of dance of Kaakkois-Suomi 1983, national dance jury 1986, regional jury of dance of Helsinki 1996, regional jury of dance of the metropolitan area 2002; Turku Contemporary Dance Festival, young choreographers' evening, judging and feedback, 1995; Young Talent 2000 – member of the dance jury. |
Grants and awards | Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation 1981, 1983, 1995; Friends of dance art in Helsinki 1981, Central Arts Council 1987, 1998; The Finnish Cultural Foundation 1987, six months state grant to artists 1989, Arts Council of the province of Uusimaa 1991, CIMO, The Center for International Mobility 1997, 1998; Arts Council of Uusimaa 1997, Ministry of Education 1998, Centre Culturel Francais 1998, Youth Department of the City of Helsinki 1998, City of Helsinki Cultural Office 1998, City of Helsinki 1998. |
Literature and articles |
Own articles and reviews: "Impivaara - onko sitä?" Teatteri-lehti 8/1980. "Tanssitaiteen monet kiperät ongelmat." Teatteri-lehti 10/1980. "Uutta kotimaista modernia tanssia." Teatteri-lehti 10/1981. "Mitä tanssijan tulee osata." Teatteri-lehti 2/1982. "Tanssirealismin alkulähteillä." Teatteri-lehti 1/1983. "Tuulinoitia liikkeellä." Teatteri-lehti 5/1983. "Tanssiinkutsu." Hamletti 1/1985 "Tanssin täytyy olla totta: Ester Naparstok – vapaan tanssin uranuurtaja." Tanssi-lehti 1/1986. "Maggien perilliset: suomalaisen tanssitaiteen vaiheista." Hamletti 2/1987. "Suomalaisen tanssitaiteen vaiheista." Kotiseutu 3/1987. Zodiak Presents: Uuden tanssin tekijät -julkaisu 1989. Riitta Pasasen ja Liisa Pentin haastattelut. "Arvaa Mitä! Hurjayritys synnytti uuden teatterin: Tanssiteatteri Hurjaruuth 15 v." Tanssi-lehti 2/1997. "Täällä haisee tanssi!" Tanssitaiteen vuosikirja. Taiteen Keskustoimikunta. 1998. "Tanssi työnantajana. Tanssitaiteen professori Marjo Kuuselan mietteitä." STYöläinen 1/98. "Tommi Kitti juhli Pariisissa." Tanssi-lehti 3/2000. "Märkää ja kuivaa ruutia Kaapelitehtaalla." Tanssi-lehti 2/2001 "Ruutia-festivaali monipuolisti tarjontaansa." Tanssi-lehti 2/2002 Other own literary works: "Ester Naparstokista ja vapaan tanssin vaiheista Suomessa vuosina 1920-1959." Pro gradu –työ Helsingin yliopiston yleisen kirjallisuustieteen, teatteritieteen ja estetiikan laitokselle 1986. |
Other Information |
Other education: Master of Arts, Faculty of Humanities of the University of Helsinki 1986; pedagogical studies of drama instructor (40 credits), Continuing Education Centre of the Theatre Academy of Finland 1996; courses in theatre and drama at the Continuing Education Centre of the Theatre Academy of Finland 1998 onwards; studies in philologie française (70 credits), Faculty of Arts of the University of Helsinki 2003. Positions of trust: member of the board of the Theatre Centre Association 1983 – 1986, member of the board of the Kaapelin Taiteilijat Association 1995, member of the board of the Dance Theatre Hurjaruuth Support Association 1995, chairman 1997 - 2002, member of the board 2005 onwards; member of the work group on transition of professional dancers 1996 - 1998, member of the board of the Union of Finnish Dance Artists 1997 - 2004, vice chairman 2001 - 2004, acting chairman 2002 - 2003; member of the administrative committee of the Relief Fund for Dance Art 1997 – 2000, member of the board of Vantaa Dance Institute 1998 - 2001, member of the board of the Finnish centre of Assitej 1998 – 2000, member of the education committee of the Theatre and Media Employees in Finland 1998 - 2004, member of the board of the Theatre and Media Employees in Finland 2002 - 2004, member of the board the Theatre Museum Foundation 1999 onwards, member of the board of the Community Dances Association 1999 – 2002, vice member of the board of the Finnish Dance Information Centre 2000 – 2002, member of the board of the Tiloja Tanssille Association 2001 onwards. Work as a producer and organiser: Peace event of dancers to support the peace train 1982, Dancers help Armenia - dance evening 1988; LUX - theatre workshop, Valon Voimat Festival, Helsinki 1997; producer of the dancer and mimic Pierre Séraphin 1998 – 2000, 65th Anniversary Gala of the Union of Finnish Dance Artists 2002; Nordic national Ballet School Seminar 2007. Supervisor of studies for the professional classes at the Finnish National Opera Ballet School 2001 - 2003. |