Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

Database search

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Welcome to Tanka – the Finnish Dance Database

Tanka dance database contains information about Finnish

Tanka has been updated since the year 2000 and it contains thousands of entries. Tanka is updated regurlarly. We welcome all comments and feedback! Please contact us at tanssi(at)danceinfo.fi.

Search tips

The search term can be e.g. the name of a work, the name of an artist or the name of a company. The search engine looks for the search term by default only in the title fields.

It is also possible to choose to make a search in all data fields. In this case e.g. the search Performances + search term island will list all the performances were the word island is mentioned somewhere in the work's data.

The search results are listed and showed alphabetically, showing first the entries under the first relevant letter. The other results can be seen by clicking the letters in the menu. Letters containing search results will show up as purple.

If no search term is entered, the search result is all the possible data in the chosen category, ie. all the companies or all the performances.