Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan



A Hero Nearing the End of an Illusion

Koreografi Innanen, Riikka Theresa
Kantaesitys 3.4.2009
Kantaesityspaikka Daghdha Space, Limerick, Irlanti
Suomen ensi-ilta 3.4.2009
Suomen ensi-iltapaikka Daghdha Space, Limerick, Irlanti
Tyylilaji Nykytanssi
kesto (min) 5
Lavastaja Riikka Theresa Innanen
Puvustaja Riikka Theresa Innanen
Valosuunnittelija Riikka Theresa Innanen
Äänisuunnittelija Riikka Theresa Innanen
Muu musiikki Puccini

Kuvaus A year ago, I found an injured bird, tortured by some poor soul with fire. I stood by him and his mate until the police came to terminate him. It took ages and standing there, I felt sorry and ashamed for my self and my kind.

A dying T-Cell, an alien left behind, man, woman, child or fetus, a creep, a ghost, a worm toasting in the sun, a donkey or a specimen on a lab tray. "Blessed be the man sitting down. He who is a holy without thorns, with out a cross. He who wears pants or puts on a hat" quote from Roy Andersson's film Songs from the Second Floor.

Beauty. All dressed up with no a party to got to. Fame with no audience. The End.

Ryhmät Daghdha Dance Company
Tanssijat Innanen, Riikka Theresa (2009)