Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan




Koreografi Tuomisto, Satu
Kantaesitys 3.2.2004
Kantaesityspaikka Robin Howard Dance Theatre, The Place, Lontoo
Tyylilaji Nykytanssi
kesto (min) 20
Valosuunnittelija Ian Brown
Musiikki teokselle Roger d'Olivere Mapp
Kuvaus "Satu Tuomisto’s Toxic is a sensible balance of original vocabulary and conceptual idea. The piece has a very clear, clean and concise structure without confusion of styles and no attempt to crowd too much in to this short piece. There is strong conviction in the rhythmical soundscape, again, a simple idea reminiscent of a metronome as arms sway forward and back in time like clocks. There is also some nice attitude from the dancers, and I don’t mean in the balletic sense." (Review by Katie Phillips)

"The lightbulb that hung over the bare stage of Satu Tuomisto’s Toxic could rightly have been taken to denote the presence of bright ideas. Backed by the scantest soundscore of stuttering hip-hop beats, this trio was as purposefully sparse as could be, and from the first that sense of space allowed each performer’s strong character to come through. In games of hide and chase and then in more open relationships, their strong, measured lines were broken up with curves and leaps as Tuomisto created an extended series of moments of tension taken to their well-judged limits. Light details and dry humour even at the margin of the canvas marked the certainty of her sculpted vision, while still leaving room for the audience to play. Toxic may finally have fizzled out rather abruptly, but otherwise was a successful mixture of small human touches and strong artistic insincts." (Review by Ben Felsenburg)
Muita tietoja Rahoitus: Arts Council England, mentorointi: koreografi Fin Walker, Alison Duthie (ArtsDepot).
Ryhmät Satu Tuomisto Dance
Tanssijat Mueller, Carrie (2004)
Crewe, Rhona (2004)
Mischler, Elizabeth