Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Nurmela, Maria
First Performance 14.5.2021
Place of First Performance Manilla, Turku
Other Style multidisciplinary
Duration (min) 50
Scenography Maria Nurmela, Saara Nurmi, Vesa Loikas
Costume designer Maria Nurmela
Lighting Designer Maria Nurmela, Saara Nurmi, Vesa Loikas
Sound designer Jane Sheldon
Performers of the premiere Maria Nurmela
Music composed for the work Jane Sheldon
Description Fainomenon, a multi-media and multi-channel research laboratory where an audience of 3 people at a time can live a moment in an immersive embodied experience of times and realities, exploring human evolution and man as a phenomenon on Earth.
Other Information other performers: Vesa Loikas, Saara Nurmi, Jane Sheldon and three live cockroaches
Dancers Nurmela, Maria (2021)