Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Poikela, Hanna
First Performance 11.10.2018
Place of First Performance The Cultural Centre Valve, Oulu
Finnish premiere 11.10.2018
Place of Premiere The Cultural Centre Valve, Oulu
Style Contemporary Dance
Other Style Contemporary Folk Dance
Duration (min) 60
Scenography Essi Jylhä
Sound designer Tapio Miettinen
Performers of the premiere Elssa Antikainen, Lotta Kyllönen-Jämsä, Riina Hosio
Music composed for the work Tapio Miettinen
Companies Dance Theatre Hämy
Dancers Hosio, Riina (2018)
Antikainen, Elssa (2018)
Kyllönen-Jämsä, Lotta (2018)