Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Vera Ortiz, Favela
First Performance 29.4.2014
Place of First Performance Vara Konserthus, Vara, Sweden
Finnish premiere 29.4.2014
Place of Premiere Vara Konserthus, Vara, Sweden
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 22
Costume designer Berith Stennabb
Performers of the premiere Veera Suvalo Grimberg
Music composed for the work Berith Stennabb
Description Equuleus is a very rare species which are not often seen in the civilized communities. It is very shy but can, when needed, burst out to singing.

Equuleus is part of the program of celebrating the international day of dance. A performance by the choreographer Favela Vera Ortiz investigates a character partly human, but mostly animal, interpreted by the dancer Veera Vuvalo Grimberg.