Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Unfair Apple

Choreographer Lindroos, Jussi
Sandgren, Venla
Markkanen, Hannaleena
First Performance 13.4.2010
Place of First Performance Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki, Finland
Finnish premiere 13.4.2010
Place of Premiere Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki
Other Style step
Description "Kipuna Tap Company plays around with the concept of sin. The three choreographers' different approaches blend into a layered depiction where mischievous humour, irony and moments of tranquility are juxtaposed. Vivid stories of everyday life are brought to the stage through rhythms, dynamics and physical expression. The end result is a juicy mix which feeds the imagination and tastes of life.

The rhythmic depictions of life, choices and the momentum raise the questions: Are things always what they seem? What does someone consider sinful? And what things affect our everyday choices and decisions?" (Kipuna Tap Company)

Other Information Supported by: Svenska kulturfonden and Espoon tanssiopisto

Companies Steppiryhmä Kipuna
Dancers Markkanen, Hannaleena (2010)
Sandgren, Venla (2010)
Laine, Saana (2010)
Lindroos, Jussi (2010)
Malm, Annika (2010)
Tikanoja, Essi (2010)
Malm, Heidi (2010)