Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Uotinen, Jorma
First Performance 6.2.1977
Place of First Performance Helsinki
Finnish premiere 6.2.1977
Place of Premiere Helsinki
Style Contemporary Dance
Lighting Designer Jorma Uotinen
Description The work consisted of eight scenes.
Other Information Realisation of the costumes: Ritva Kokkonen.
The work was premiered as a part of a double-bill, which consisted of the works 26 and Palpaabeli.
Companies Dance Theatre Rollo
Dancers Järvinen, Briitta (1977)
Lahdenperä, Soile (1977)
Porri, Leena (1977)
Sirén, Ervi (1977)
Huurinainen, Marja-Leena (1977)
Riipinen, Kari (1977)
Timonen, Yrjö (1977)
Vennamo, Raisa (1977)
Gripenberg, Sinikka (1977)