Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Juntti, Virpi
Haapala, Jyrki
First Performance 3.5.2003
Place of First Performance Media Centre Lume, Studio Stage, Helsinki
Finnish premiere 3.5.2003
Place of Premiere Media Centre Lume, Studio Stage, Helsinki
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 50
Scenography Tomi Humalisto
Costume designer työryhmä (artistic team)
Lighting Designer Tomi Humalisto
Sound designer Juha Storm
Other Information The work is a part of the artistic doctoral thesis of Tomi Humalisto for the Department of Sound and Lighting Design of the Theatre Academy of Finland. Production: University of Art and Design Helsinki, Theatre Academy of Finland, Isabel Gónzales.
Dancers Juntti, Virpi (2003)
Haapala, Jyrki (2003)
Hölttä, Kaisu (2003)
Knif, Carl (2003)