Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Kirjonen, Juha
First Performance 18.12.2002
Place of First Performance The Finnish National Opera, Almi Hall
Finnish premiere 18.12.2002
Place of Premiere The Finnish National Opera, Almi Hall
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 15
Scenography Juha Kirjonen
Costume designer Juha Kirjonen
Lighting Designer Juha Kirjonen
Sound designer Juha Kirjonen, Petteri Laukkanen
Music composed for the work Juha Kirjonen
Description While asleep, the pleasures and blunders of the past day go through people’s minds. A sleeping person goes through the day’s events together with two friends, and uncertainty turns into success. The whirling burst of events speeds up the performance. The cold of the night, however, rouses the sleeper to reality and he goes back to sleep peacefully.
Companies Finnish National Ballet
Dancers Lukjanov, Maksim (2002)
Kirjonen, Maki (2002)
Poutanen, Samuli (2002)