Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Kitti, Tommi
First Performance 28.9.2001
Place of First Performance Finnish National Opera
Finnish premiere 28.9.2001
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 20
Scenography Tommi Kitti
Costume designer Tommi Kitti
Lighting Designer Harri Peltonen
Sound designer Petri Peltovako
Music composed for the work Eero Hämeenniemi
Description From the programme: "Thirteen is a work for four dancers and equal number of musicians. - - Thirteen falls somewhere between the grandiose and the intimate, between the carefully designed and the improvised. Improvisation plays an important role in the music particular.
The title alludes to a thirteen-beat rythm (3+4+6) that underlies the music of all the sections of the work. The clear and simple basic structure gives the dancers the necessary framework on which to base the choreography. - - "
Other Information Musicians: violin: Hannu Vasara, viola: Max Savikangas, double bass: Sampo Lassila, drums: Markus Ketola
Companies Finnish National Ballet
Dancers Erdinc, Özen (2001)
Mäkelä, Ulla-Mari (2001)
Sariola, Anna (2001)
Poutanen, Samuli (2001)
Willman, Marjaterttu (2001)