Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Matters of Care (or every thing we do)

Choreographer Ojanen, Wilhelmina
First Performance 26.11.2022
Place of First Performance Liikelaituri, Tampere
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 40
Scenography Wilhelmina Ojanen
Costume designer Mirei Kato
Lighting Designer Jaakko Sirainen
Sound designer Tapani Rinne
Performers of the premiere Virpi Koskela, Julia Koskimies, Sanni Laine, Marjo Leväharju, Sini Marikki, Harri Pitkänen, Päivi Pylvänäinen, Martta Sivonen, Wilma Seppälä
Music composed for the work Tapani Rinne
Description How can we take care of ourselves, others, and the world around us? What are the tools we need for this? How can we be with care? Matters of Care (or every thing we do) is a three-month community dance project organised by choreographer Wilhelmina Ojanen that explores the theme of care, and we can take care of each other and the world around us through our bodies. The three-month process will culminate in a performance. The piece will be created together with the whole working group.
Other Information Other performers: Tapani Rinne, Jaakko Sirainen, Mirei Kato
Dancers Seppälä, Wilma (2022)