Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Knif, Carl
First Performance 5.5.2022
Place of First Performance Dance House Helsinki
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 75
Scenography Jukka Huitila
Costume designer Karoliina Koiso-Kanttila
Lighting Designer Jukka Huitila
Sound designer Janne Hast
Performers of the premiere Jonna Aaltonen
Olli Lautiola
Riku Lehtopolku
Anne Pajunen (dancer/actor)
Anna Stenberg
Terhi Vaimala
Music composed for the work Janne Hast
Description "Can a per­for­man­ce set­ting in­du­ce the sa­me le­vel of trust as that of a re­la­tions­hip of ca­re. Could dan­ce and per­for­man­ce be seen as a ri­tual with hea­ling po­wers?

The mu­si­cal star­ting point of Ses­sions is Franz Sc­hu­bert’s St­ring Quin­tet in C Ma­jor. In ad­di­tion to the re­la­tions­hip bet­ween mu­sic and mo­ve­ment, the per­for­man­ce al­so exa­mi­nes the re­la­tions­hip bet­ween the per­for­mers and the au­dien­ce.

Ses­sions dis­cus­ses the con­tem­po­ra­ry hu­man in their lon­gings, short­co­mings, needs, fears and ho­pes. The per­for­man­ce add­res­ses the en­coun­ter and the non-en­coun­ter, as well as the hu­man and so­cie­tal imp­li­ca­tions of the­se.

Ideas for the work aro­se from a ran­ge of both phy­si­cal and cog­ni­ti­ve treat­ment met­hods, as is al­so imp­lied by the tit­le: Ses­sions.

In which ways could a per­for­man­ce en­han­ce the li­fe of its spec­ta­tor? Can mo­ving in­to the spa­ce of a ga­ze be an em­po­we­ring ex­pe­rien­ce? And how could a per­for­man­ce find mo­re vi­ta­li­ty, how could it inch clo­ser to­wards its au­dien­ce?

For the work Ses­sions, Carl Knif re­turns to the roots of his own met­hod: col­la­bo­ra­tion with dan­cers. Cent­ral ele­ments in the pie­ce are the in­te­rac­tion bet­ween dan­cers, ki­ne­tic com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and ki­ne­tic em­pat­hy."
Companies Carl Knif Company
Dancers Aaltonen, Jonna (2022)
Lehtopolku, Riku (2022)
Pajunen, Anne (2022)
Stenberg, Anna (2022)
Vaimala, Terhi (2022)