Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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The Other Other

Choreographer Terävä, Anna-Maija
Mustonen, Katja
First Performance 16.9.2021
Place of First Performance ITAK Stage, Kuopio
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 45
Costume designer työryhmä
Lighting Designer Laitinen Tuomas, työryhmä
Sound designer Tiitinen Ilmari
Performers of the premiere "Anna-Maija Terävä
Katja Mustonen"
Description The theme of the ‘The Other Other’ performance is otherness which appears in the performance as a personal transformation. What do we experience in ourselves as permanent and what is changing? Can motion help put us in the shoes of others, to be someone else? What kind of beliefs of ourselves do we have? Can you borrow features from your future self? The performance creates space for visions and imagination for alternatives to current occurrences. It opens up possibilities to become someone else, to be diverse and live in an alternate future.
Dancers Terävä, Anna-Maija (2021)
Mustonen, Katja (2021)