Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Brotherus, Hanna
First Performance 20.9.2019
Place of First Performance Oulu Theatre, Oulu, Finland
Finnish premiere 20.9.2019
Place of Premiere Oulu Theatre, Oulu, Finland
Style Contemporary Dance
Other Style theatre
Scenography Jones Maxwell
Lighting Designer Jones Maxwell
Sound designer Antti Rundelin
Performers of the premiere Kaisa Rundelin, Taina Ala-Ketola
Description This dance theatre piece considers the presence of a father from a daughter’s point of view and its significance in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.
Other Information Production: JoJo - Oulu Dance Centre
Collaboration with: Oulu Theatre
Companies JoJo - Oulu Dance Center
Dancers Rundelin, Kaisa (2019)
Ala-Ketola, Taina (2019)