Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Uotinen, Jorma
First Performance 18.8.2000
Place of First Performance Reykjavik, Island
Finnish premiere 7.9.2000
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 50
Scenography Kristin Bredal
Costume designer Jorma Uotinen
Lighting Designer Kristin Bredal
Sound designer Eggert Ketilsson, Örn Lárusson
Other Information The work was a part of the European City of Culture Program in Reykjavik, Bergen and Helsinki. The work was performed by a group that consisted of dancers from the Islandic Dance Company and the Finnish National Ballet
Dancers Siikala, Aapo (2000)
Hyvärinen, Nina (2000)
Saikkonen, Sami (2000)