Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Råman, Tanja
First Performance 29.10.2018
Place of First Performance Culture Centre Valve, Oulu
Finnish premiere 29.10.2018
Place of Premiere Culture Centre Valve, Oulu
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 25
Costume designer Tanja Råman
Lighting Designer Tanja Råman
Performers of the premiere Tanja Råman
Music composed for the work Anthony Ryan
Description Kaiho3 is an embodiment of the feelings provoked by my return to Finland after 20 years of living overseas. Kaiho3 is the last part of Kaiho-trilogy, which I started creating back in Wales in 2005. The piece combines dance, spoken word and interactive sound and projection.
Dancers Råman, Tanja (2018)