Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Keskikallio, Heli
First Performance 5.8.2017
Finnish premiere 5.8.2017
Style Contemporary Dance
Scenography Anton Verho
Costume designer Heli Keskikallio
Lighting Designer Anton Verho
Sound designer Viljami Lehtonen
Performers of the premiere Satu Rinnetmäki, Elisa Tuovila, Minna Karttunen
Music composed for the work Viljami Lehtonen
Description Bounce is a performance that mixes a club event and a formal movement study. It is a work based on jumping and mathematical thinking. It is a place for three female performers to appear where they deconstruct conventions related to performing. The work pulls the audience in through the kinesthesia of jumping, rhytm and entertainment. The performance challenges endurance and ableness. We have created a complex mathematical composition in which the working group is trying to navigate. Starting from the beginning, repeating and accumulating the material of the performance, it starts to overflow and becomes impossible to control perfectly. At some point someone will make a mistake. Through the mistakes lively openings start to evolve in the composition and the personas of the performers are brought forth. These questions are posed: What constitutes performing and what is spectating? What is the choreographical apparatus behind the performance? "We aim for perfection, but hopefully fail."
Dancers Rinnetmäki, Satu (2017)
Tuovila, Elisa (2017)
Karttunen, Minna (2017)