Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Raatikainen, Kati
First Performance 14.3.2018
Place of First Performance Zodiak Stage, Cable Factory, Helsinki
Finnish premiere 14.3.2018
Place of Premiere Zodiak Stage, Cable Factory, Helsinki
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 30
Scenography Salla Keskinen, Kati Raatikainen
Costume designer Kati Raatikainen
Lighting Designer Salla Keskinen, Kati Raatikainen
Sound designer Kati Raatikainen
Performers of the premiere Kati Raatikainen
Other Information Videos, photos, teaser: Salla Keskinen
Double-bill with Tanssiesitys klo 14 (chor. Anna Kupari, Outi Markkula)
Dancers Raatikainen, Kati (2018)