Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Aura, Päivi
First Performance 29.11.2016
Place of First Performance CCDC Jockey Club Theatre, Hongkong, Hong Kong
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 25
Scenography Päivi Aura
Costume designer Päivi Aura, Sandy Cheung, Tim Chan, Kati Lehtola, Alice Ma, Mary Jane Tang
Lighting Designer Sandy Cheung
Performers of the premiere Dancers: Kati Lehtola, Alice Ma, Mary Jane Tang
Musician: Tim Chan
Music composed for the work Tim Chan
Description Dance performance for early ages.
Other Information Production: Dance Theatre Auraco, City Contemporary Dance Company
Companies Tanssiteatteri Auraco
Dancers Lehtola, Kati (2016)