Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Aaltokoski, Alpo
First Performance 28.8.2015
Place of First Performance Alexander Theatre, Helsinki
Finnish premiere 28.8.2015
Place of Premiere Alexander Theatre, Helsinki
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 77
Scenography Saija Nojonen
Costume designer Marja Uusitalo
Lighting Designer Saija Nojonen
Performers of the premiere Johanna Ikola, Unna Kitti, Ahto Koskitalo, Jouni Majaniemi, Tuovi Rantanen, Esete Sutinen, Jussi Väänänen
Other music Leevi Madetoja
Description Choreographer Aaltokoski interprets the Okon Fuoko ballet composition in the light of SoMe phenomena. Aaltokoski equates Okon Fuoko’s story to today’s selfie culture.

”Internet is the horn of plenty of wishes in which we can build the ideal partner for ourselves or try ourselves to become one. This is not, however, a phenomenon only characteristic to our time: since centuries people have projected their dreams to various images and artificial constructions.”
Other Information Finnish composer Leevi Madetoja’s (1887-1947) ballet composition Okon Fuoko was completed in 1927.
Companies Alpo Aaltokoski Company
Dancers Ikola, Johanna (2015)
Kitti, Unna (2015)
Koskitalo, Ahto (2015)
Majaniemi, Jouni (2015)
Rantanen, Tuovi (2015)
Sutinen, Esete (2015)
Väänänen, Jussi (2015)